— Razor (@R4zORsh4rpo)March 21, 2024 When territory management is key, the utility of the humble Security Officer cannot be overstated! 51(maybe more but thats the only i can show 😅) The 2nd image my deck and my advice is Loveless a must have.pic.twitter.com/kkVWxvVVOy ...
In Best Bits, the Square Enix Blog team looks at some of our favorite moments from Square Enix games, and why we think they stand out. To be clear, we’re not declaring them to be the pinnacle of the game, merely one of many moments that we love. So don’t get upset with us if...
FF7rebirth发售日PV直接宣布限时独占3个月……分明是要上二代Switch了。 Square Enix 将因游戏《最终幻想 16》损失 20 亿美元以上市值,公司日后将会如何发展? 发布于 2023-09-19 20:53・IP 属地广东 赞同 分享收藏 写下你的评论... 还没有评论,发表第一个评论吧登录知乎,您可以享受以下...