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Learn about Square Enix, and find games, reviews, previews, cheats and more for games by Square Enix at GameSpot.
Welcome to the official SQUARE ENIX website. Find all the latest news and updates about your favourite games and upcoming releases.
《STRANGER OF PARADISE FINAL FANTASY ORIGIN》由SQUARE ENIX和Team NINJA共同开发,是展示“FINAL FANTASY”系列全新方向性的正统动作RPG。 享受深刻的故事和高难度的动作,同时搜集更强力的武器并运用各式各样的技能去战斗吧! 体验FF史上最残暴爽快的激烈战斗 ¥ 129.00 灵视异闻 FILE23 本所七大不可思议 2023 ...
Square Enix has released Various Daylife for Apple Arcade. It is a "daily life and adventure RPG."View a trailer of the game below:Here is an overview of the game:A Brand-New Square Enix RPG:Brought to Apple Arcade by the creators of Bravely Default and Octopath Traveler.Explore the Une...
Square Enix has released gameplay footage of Final Fantasy VII Remake from Tokyo Game Show 2019 that features the Abzu battle.View [...]
Welcome to the official SQUARE ENIX website. Find all the latest news and updates about your favourite games and upcoming releases.
According to Square Enix, the game will see upcoming releases debuted in "chapters," which will bring new in-game events, playable content, and avatar items, although it was left unclear if these will be locked behind a paywall. In its App Store page, the main source of in-app purchases...
Buy video games online at the Square Enix official store. Shop our top franchises including Final Fantasy, Nier, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest & more.