但是我们有一件事是可以确定的了,那就是--《最终幻想14》不会立即涌入免费网游的浪潮。制作人吉田直树(Naoki Yoshida)近期接受VG247网采访时说,坚持付费模式是为了履行他们曾经许下的诺言。 他说:“我们最初承诺的一点是,我们会以付费模式发行《最终幻想14》。如果玩家支付了订购费(subscription fee),他们就可以一...
Free to Play ->HD Games ->Subscription games There's fluctuations of course, especially when FF14 releases a new expansion. Many gamers think Final Fantasy XIV is Square Enix's main cash crop. This isn't true. The MMORPG is extremely important for Square Enix, but its wide variety...
The existence of this mobile version ofFFXIVwasfirst shared in a report from Niko Partners, which runs down a list of games that have passed Chinese government approval. One of these titles is “a mobile game based onFinal Fantasy XIV[that is] being developed by Tencent and...
That's not to say that Square Enix is going easy on players, though. The difficulty of quests has risen dramatically, with new job quests often requiring a bit of problem solving, while wild monsters on the new maps can make even the mightiest of tanks feel the heat. These very important...
Absolute Garbage customer service. I bought the complete edition of FF14 2 days before the new expansion was released, wasnt able to play the game becausae 4000+ queues and their servers were broken so you would continuously get kicked from the queue. I aske dfor refund because i couldnt ...
making it difficult to play normally,” explained Yoshida in the blog post, “We have decided that during the official release of Endwalker on December 7, we will be granting 7 days of free game time to all players who own the full version of the game and have an active subscription.”...