In zauberhafter und stilisierter Grafik werden Spieler kultige Kreaturen fangen, anpassen und entwickeln, indem sie diese zu strategischen Monstertürmen stapeln. Die denkwürdigen Legenden von FINAL FANTASY erwachen in dieser einfallsreichen und farbenfrohen Welt zum Leben, während sich eine ep...
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Buy video games online at the Square Enix official store. Shop our top franchises including Final Fantasy, Nier, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest & more.
Buy video games online at the Square Enix official store. Shop our top franchises including Final Fantasy, Nier, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest & more.
Buy video games online at the Square Enix official store. Shop our top franchises including Final Fantasy, Nier, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest & more.
Buy video games online at the Square Enix official store. Shop our top franchises including Final Fantasy, Nier, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest & more.
Buy video games online at the Square Enix official store. Shop our top franchises including Final Fantasy, Nier, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest & more.
Buy video games and merchandise online at the Official Square Enix store. Shop our top franchises, including Final Fantasy, NieR, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest & more.
Buy video games online at the Square Enix official store. Shop our top franchises including Final Fantasy, Nier, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest & more.
Buy video games and merchandise online at the Official Square Enix store. Shop our top franchises, including Final Fantasy, NieR, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest & more.