The circuit breakers have a yellow label with the words “Square D” or the Square D logo. Model information can be found on the faceplate. U.S. Consumer Product Safety CommissionSchneider Electric SQUARE D D F K FRAME CIRCUIT BREAKER RECALL NOTICE[PDF] (2014) - original source:
a ground conductor19are delivered to the AFCI outlet300from a distribution panel302at a remote location, in accordance with conventional household wiring practices. At the distribution panel302, a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) or ground fault protected circuit breaker304is provided. As descr...
Main Breaker Size: 200 Amps 12. Breakers: Copper Breakers missing; high voltage bus exposed 13. Fuses: 14. GFCI: 15. AFCI Based on the age of this home, bedrooms should be arc fault breaker protected and are not. No arc fault (AFCI) devices are present 16. Is the panel bonded? Yes...