WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL SQUAD WIKI The Squad Field Manual written and maintained by the players. We are currently maintaining 4,893 pages (880 articles). The wiki is far from finished and is constantly evolving. It needs your help. WIKI NEWS: [Read more...] 2021-05-11: Today is...
Skorpo 斯克罗普 东欧 基于俄罗斯、乌克兰、格鲁吉亚和爱沙尼亚地区的地图 | 区域包括茂密的泰加森林、棕色平原、小村庄、城市地区和工业区。 南亚 基于阿富汗和巴基斯坦地区的地图 | 这些地区包括大型农场、大型农村社区、高山和河流。 中东 基于伊拉克的地图 | 地区通常由城市地区、村庄和大沙漠组成。 北美 基于加拿大...
Deployables are structures that Squad Leaders and FireTeam Leads can deploy within the 150-meter build radius of a Forward Operating Base. Once deployed, these structures require other players to construct using the Entrenching tool. Deployables allow pl
Secondly, this wiki is hosted by Gamepedia, therefore it is additional support available. Make sure to consult their help pages too; actually, maybe go there first before heading out further. Once you found what you were looking for, include it in this page so others will find the same ...
Squad 重定向页面 GooD MIlk于6年前修改了此页面。 重定向到: SQUAD
Actors are the objects that reside within a map. They are the buildings, walls, spawn points, and gameplay logic that you encounter during gameplay. Unreal Engine hasa very detailed guide on their use. Minimap Tool SeeCreating a Minimap. ...
世外工作室(Offworld Industries)以下简称世外( OWI),是 Squad 的开发者。 世外是一个独立工作室,由超过15名元 Project Reality 开发人员共同创建与2014年。 并将 Squad 作为 Project Reality 的独立继任者推向市场。 OWI 总部位于不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华,由全职和兼职人员组成的团队遍布世界各地。 团队及合作者 ...
Squadron Tower Defense was created by tsjnsn and currently maintained by kelson. Lisk is credited for creating the Warcraft III map Legion TD, which this game is heavily based off of. Official Website and Forum at - Reddit and Discord The wiki below rema