Server Bro..Server Browser Bandaid1.打开windows菜单搜索栏,复制以下指令:%localappdata%\SquadGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor点
I am connected to the internet and my connection works perfectly, I can play Ultimated team and Seasons but when I choose to play a match on kickoff the squads are not updated despite being connected to the EA servers. How can I solve?
Greetings! Sometime late last night Post Scriptum's Server Browser started having issues with showing and loading servers. This is a global issue affecting several games including our Publisher. We have been working with our publisher and Steam to fix th
So expecting more from them in terms of collaborating for rewarding squadplay together, is probably a long stretch of faith, as they obviously do not even engage in the most basics of teamplay. By playing for longer on the same few select servers, you will typically over time start to lear...
With over 5,000 servers, across 60 countries, and at a great price too, it's easy to recommend. Try the $3.99 per month plan for the best value It's really very easy to use a VPN to watch live sport when overseas: 1. Install the VPN of your choice. We think NordVPN is the ...
More audience means that there are more people who are interested in the post. Even those who haven’t seen it before can reach that post because of Facebook’s feature of showing what your friends like and at the same time, about what is trending. Eventually, such post can be seen by...
No matter if it is on your team side or not. Also if the server is not full, and you on your team have more players, then your friends will typically be allocated to the enemy team side, as most servers run with the default of balanced gameplay enabled. Likewise, if you are on ...
On which server did this happen?Happened twice in different servers I believe When did this happen? ( hh:mm)05.12.18 14:30 Summarize your bugSquad UI in lower right (over ammo, gadgets, etc display) Mouse pointer stays visible, and can't move. only way to sort this is by ...
I am in a 4 person party here with my friends on PC, none of which are showing in my party UI in game. My player tag is Boltz1011 which doesn't show in the squad. I can see the markers of the players on the map of the people in my party. I also cannot spa...
UI will not allow me to join a squad at times? This bug has occured between the 5-7th April. When I select a quad to join and select the X button, the game attempts to add me to the squad but wont permit it. I have tried to swap sides and the same occurrence h...