AAS / RAAS / Invasion / TC Ticket ChangesUpdated AAS and RAAS Ticket Gain and Loss for Flag Capture to -20 and +50. This change is intended to slightly increase game length for rounds that have a lot of back and forth around the capture zone lattice.Increased Invasion tickets for ...
Pick a server with the game mode AAS or RAAS. Maps and game modes usually change every round. You will most likely join an ongoing game. Back to top Server Rules Be aware that all servers have rules. Make sure to follow these rules. Violations can result in bans. If other people are...
Added REDFOR Alliance (RGF and VDV) battlegroups as voting options for all Sanxian Islands layers. Adjusted Seed Game Mode to limit the following deployables to a max of 5 per FOB: Sandbag Wall + Firing Port, Ammobox, Hesco Wall, Oil Barrel Wall, Dirt Crate Wall + Firing Ports. Adjus...
The unused CPs from RAAS were not being removed on the client when a client loads in with the server. E.g, upon map change.Fixed small grammar errors in Destruction and Insurgency game mode notifications.更新了CP Capture Logic模式。只有步兵才可以夺取CP,以前车辆组员也可以夺取。目的是增加步兵在...
AAS / RAAS / Invasion / TC Ticket Changes Updated AAS and RAAS Ticket Gain and Loss for Flag Capture to -20 and +50. This change is intended to slightly increase game length for rounds that have a lot of back and forth around the capture zone lattice. Increased Invasion tickets for Atta...
/usr/local/bin/mcrcon -P 21114 -p paswd -w 1"AdminChangeLayer Anvil_RAAS_v4"ok 传参CGI脚本示例: 利用CGI传参格式为:参数1+参数2+参数3+... 注意,因自动UrlEncode编码转换问题,导致无法支持中文;
Added RAAS game mode (Randomized Advance and Secure) Added new Suppression system Added Rifleman Ammo bags Added Persistent Ammo system Added Granular Rearming system for Infantry Added Fireteams which are dynamically created by Squad Leaders
Added voting settings for server owners that limit the number of options for each game mode that can be shown within voting options (for example, can only show 1 Invasion layer, 1 AAS layer, but up to 4 RAAS layers). Added a voting setting for server owners to only trigger voting for ...
Pick a server with the game mode AAS or RAAS. Maps and game modes usually change every round. You will most likely join an ongoing game. Back to top Server Rules Be aware that all servers have rules. Make sure to follow these rules. Violations can result in bans. If other people are...
/usr/local/bin/mcrcon -P 21114 -p paswd -w 1"AdminChangeLayer Anvil_RAAS_v4"ok 传参CGI脚本示例: 利用CGI传参格式为:参数1+参数2+参数3+... 注意,因自动UrlEncode编码转换问题,导致无法支持中文;