除此之外,后面两款迫击炮计算器是在SquadMC的基础上开发的,他们的射角计算函数使用的都是上图贴出的代码,故后续不再贴出与之相关的代码信息。2. MSMC https://mortar.sharkman.info/“MSMC”,全称“Minimalist Squad Mortar Calculator”,译为“简洁迫击炮计算器”。该迫击炮计算器可以说是麻雀虽小五脏俱全。
SquadMC is a map-based mortar elevation and bearing calculator for the gameSquad. Links current version:https://squadmc.ende.pro a version for the gamePost Scriptum:https://postscriptum.squadmc.ende.pro shorter url:https://psmc.ende.pro I don't own the game myself, so I need feedback...
SquadMC is a map-based mortar elevation and bearing calculator for the gameSquad. Links current version:https://squadmc.ende.pro a version for the gamePost Scriptum:https://postscriptum.squadmc.ende.pro shorter url:https://psmc.ende.pro ...
Mortar Calculator Elevations Calculations SquadCalc utilizes heightmaps extracted from the Squad SDK to precisely compute the elevation difference between mortars and targets, automatically adjusting the elevation settings. Check out the Wiki to understand how it works. Spread and Damages radiuses Reduce ...
除此之外,后面两款迫击炮计算器是在SquadMC的基础上开发的,他们的射角计算函数使用的都是上图贴出的代码,故后续不再贴出与之相关的代码信息。2. MSMC https://mortar.sharkman.info/“MSMC”,全称“Minimalist Squad Mortar Calculator”,译为“简洁迫击炮计算器”。该迫击炮计算器可以说是麻雀虽小五脏俱全。