This is a fairly well-animated show with an amazing English dub cast. The animation can look a bit off at times but all around is very good and Harley in particular has never been animated any better. Even if the writing doesn't click and isn't on par with your preferences there have...
But listen out in the English dub version, co-directed by voice-acting superstar Taliesin Jaffe, because the English cast get to rock out, performing their own newly-recorded versions of the Japanese originals. Andrew Osmond is the author of 100 Animated Feature Films. Beck: Mongolian Chop ...
At the moment, what Reki Kawahara and Aniplex’s long-term plans are forProgressiveis unclear. There have been concerns from fans regardingProgressivepotentially being a full-blown movie series. Given that there are eight books published so far, with more to come in the future, it would be h...
“A regular, 37-year old working man gets a chance to start life in a fantasy world after being killed. There’s just one catch: he’s been reincarnated as a blind slime with magical powers. This is a “trapped in a video game world” done in an entirely new way. There’s plenty ...