Support Questions Oozie-sqoop action in CDH 5.2-Heart beat issue Options Solved Go to solution Oozie-sqoop action in CDH 5.2-Heart beat issue Labels: Apache Hadoop Apache Hive Apache Impala Apache Oozie Apache Sqoop Apache YARN Apache Zookeeper Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub (CDH) ...
1. Scenario description when I use sqoop to import mysql table into hive, I got the following error: 19/07/1215:41:35WARN hcat.SqoopHCatUtilities: The Sqoop job can failiftypes are not assignment compatible19/07/1215:41:35WARN hcat.SqoopHCatUtilities: The HCatalog field submername has ...
Scenario of cluster:1. All services are up and running (tested individual service)2. No application running. (no mapreduce job running)But with the task 2, no output is generated.Oozie job is in running state for long time. Also the Yarn application summary shows 1 Apps...