The following examples that begin with a$character indicate that the commands must be entered at a terminal prompt (such asbash). The$character represents the prompt itself; you should not start these commands by typing a$. You can also enter commands inline in the text of a paragraph; for...
Once Bigtop is successfully deployed, installing Sqoop is very simple and can be done with the following commands: To install Sqoop on a Red Hat, CentOS, or other yum system: $ sudo yum install sqoop To install Sqoop on an Ubuntu, Debian, or other deb-based system: $ sudo apt-get ...
usage: sqoop COMMAND [ARGS] Available commands: codegen 生成Java代码create-hive-table根据表结构生成hive表 eval 执行SQL语句并返回结果 export 导出HDFS文件到数据库表 help 帮助 import 从数据库导入数据到HDFS import-all-tables 导入数据库所有表到HDFS list-databases 列举所有的database list-tables 列举数据...
NOTE: In the examples that follow, user details, cluster names, hostnames, directory paths, filenames, etc. represent a fictitious sample (and are used to provide an illustrative example only). Any similarity to actual persons, or entities, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not int...
$ bin/sqoop help 15/10/10 10:54:20 INFO sqoop.Sqoop: Running Sqoop version: 1.4.7-SNAPSHOT usage: sqoop COMMAND [ARGS] Available commands: codegen Generate code to interact with database records create-hive-table Import a table definition into Hive eval Evaluate a SQL statement and display...
To ingest data into relational database tables from on-premise cluster sqoop is a commonly used tool. It can ingest data from almost all different file formats supported in Hadoop. Also, commands are simple to learn and execute. No need to write complex sql queries for data ingestion. Also,...
Available commands: :exit (:x ) Exit the shell :history (:H ) Display, manage and recall edit-line history help (\h ) Displaythishelp message set (\st ) Configure various client options and settings show (\sh ) Display various objects and configuration options ...
Flume是Cloudera提供的一个分布式、可靠、和高可用的海量日志采集、聚合和传输的系统。 Flume可以采集文件,socket数据包、文件夹等各种形式源数据,又可以将采集到的数据输出到HDFS、hbase、hive、kafka等众多外部存储系统中 一般的采集需求,通过对flume的简单配置即可实现 ...
# way too much typing, create aliases for hadoop commands $ alias hput="hadoop fs -put" $ alias hcat="hadoop fs -cat" $ alias hls="hadoop fs -ls" $ alias hrmr="hadoop fs -rmr" $ hadoop jar /usr/lib/hadoop/hadoop-examples.jar wordcount HF.txt HF.out 12/08/08 19:26:23 INFO...