This command would write to a set of files in the/shared/foo/directory. You can also explicitly choose the target directory, like so: $ sqoop import --connnect <connect-str> --table foo --target-dir /dest \ ... This will import the files into the/destdirectory.--target-diris incompa...
sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://hadoop1:3306/mysql \ --username root \ --password root \ --table help_keyword \ --fields-terminated-by "\t" \ --lines-terminated-by "\n" \ --hive-import \ --hive-overwrite \ --create-hive-table \ --delete-target-dir \ --hive-database ...
默认值 | | --as-parquetfile | 导入数据到parquetfile | | --boundary-query | 指定表中需要导入的列 | | --delete-target-dir | 如目标目录存在,则先删除 | | --direct | 如数据库存在,则直连 | | --fetch-size | 一次从数据库中读取的条目数 | | --inline-lob-limit | 设置最大值给LOB ...
# --columns Columns to import from table # --delete-target-dir Delete the import target directory if it exists # --direct Use direct connector if exists for the database # --fetch-size <n> Number of entries to read from database at once. # --inline-lob-limit <n> Set the maximum...
sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://hadoop1:3306/mysql \ --username root \ --password root \ --where "name='STRING' " \ --table help_keyword \ --target-dir /sqoop/hadoop11/myoutport1 \ -m 1查询指定列sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://hadoop1:3306/mysql \ --username ...
--delete-target-dir defeats the purpose to update data as it will create new directory everytime which is same as importing entire source table into hdfs-hive everytime. I tried using --merge-key but it gives following error: 19/03/20 07:07:41 ERROR tool.ImportTool: Import failed...
--target-dir /user/beifeng/sqoop/import/im_my_user \ #设置 map 的个数 在hadoop中一个 map 一份数据 --num-mappers 1 日志分析 Beginning code generation 生成代码 会以该表名(my_user)为名新建一个my_user.java的类,并存放在$SQOOP_HOME目录中 ...
[root@node1 sqoop-1.4.7]# bin/sqoop import --connect jdbc:oracle:thin:@ --table FUND_INFO --username tpa_query --password tpa_query --split-by VC_FUNDCODE --hive-import --target-dir temp_table --hive-table fund_info --null-string '\\N' --null-non-string...
--target-dir<new directory in HDFS> 下面的命令是用来导入MySQL数据库的user数据表到hdfs的/user/test目录。 sqoopimport\--connect jdbc:mysql://mysqlhost:3306/userdb \--username root \--password root \--target-dir/uer/test \--table usertable \--m1; ...
perform_import() Unit Testing In order to run unit tests open the terminal and change the current directory to unittests folder. Then, simply run python Add your unit tests in this file Doing handle sqoop jobs TODOs add missing parameters more tests coverage...