In September 2023, our Salar de Atacama lithium mining operations achieved IRMA 75, being the only lithium company to achieve this level worldwide. IRMA is an international standard that measures the social and environmental performance in mining sites worldwide, which due to its rigor is consulted...
and the Chilean Mining Company (SQM) is a pioneer in lithium mining and distribution (Smith & L...
SQM, a global mining company operating in northern Chile, is present in industries that are strategic for sustainable development, such as health, food, technology and the clean energies that move the world. It is a global leader in each of its five business lines: Specialty Plant Nutrition; ...
and the Chilean Mining Company (SQM) is a pioneer in lithium mining and distribution (Smith & L...
据外电9月9日消息,全球第二大锂生产商—智利SQM已与总部位于南非的Andrada Mining达成三阶段盈利协议,共同开发纳米比亚的Lithium Ridge资产。 作为SQM在非洲的首次合作,该协议将利用这家锂业巨头的技术和财务优势,旨在加快该项目的开发。Lithium Ridge项目距离Andrada的旗舰Uis锡矿约35公里。
SQM invests outside Chile for lithiumSQM will spend $110 million to acquire half of an Australian Li mining project being developed by Kidman Resources. SQM expects that the project will eventually have 40,000...
One of EXPONOR 2024’s strategic partners is SQM, a Chilean mining company based in northern Chile that provides solutions for human progress through its five lines of business: Specialty Plant Nutrition; Iodine and Derivatives; Lithium and Derivatives; Potassium and Solar Salts. Known for sustainab...
SQM税务争议裁决主要原因系智利矿业税的争议;自2006年起智利税务局针对采矿企业征收矿业税,2023年8月10日新的矿业税法Mining Royalty Law(Law 21591)公布,替代了之前的矿业税规定,并于2024年1月1日正式生效。 矿业税适用于所有的采矿企业,但目前的征税行业和产品仅针对铜矿,根据其销售量的高低和销售产品的毛利率适用...
As has been the case in the past, a select group of 33 providers involved in the mining industry—most of them foreign nationals—visited Salar de Atacama to tour the facilities and learn about the lithium production chain. Over the course of the four-day event, over 300 employees from var...
此外,Lithium Royalty Corp.(TSX:LIRC)(OTCMKTS:LITRF)在最新财报中指出,锂价似乎已经在这个季度触底。在中国增长的带领下,需求信号持续加强,锂辉石市价相比今年1月和2月的低点上涨约25%。锂的战略价值和长期投资价值也吸引了股神巴菲特的关注。今年6月,巴菲特旗下的伯克希尔哈撒韦公司宣布与西方石油Occidental ...