连接本地数据库没问题,但是连接远程数据库就出现以下错误 Exception: [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1042C An unexpected system error occurred. SQLSTATE=58004 SQLCODE=-1042 百度搜到了 https://www.cnpython.com/qa/524656 这篇文章,试验在url中加上 AUTHENTICATION=SERVER; 解决了问题。 附上完整代码,亲测有效。
输入在一行中给出一个长度不超过 1000 的字符串。字符串由 ASCII 码表中任意可见字符及空格组成,至少...
SQL1042C 发生了意外的系统错误 SQLSTATE=58004 数据库可以启动/停止,但是执行其他操作时总是报-1042 58004,以下是db2diag.log日志:2014-05-06- I1F1114 LEVEL: EventPID : 2316 TID : 3752 PROC : db2syscs.exeINSTANCE: DB2 NODE : 000 DB : XYJJAPPHDL : 0-539 APPID: *LOCAL....
I get the following error: SQL1042C An unexpected system error occurred. SQLSTATE=58004, while the expected response would be SQLCODE=-1337on: [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1337N The service "portno" was not found. as the connection string is nonsense. I get the same error with any proper conne...
I am trying to connect to database="BLUDB",host name="85dbf01d-0df0-49e3-a51a-31d46b9ff6bb.bpe60pbd01oinge4psd0.databases.appdomain.cloud" using Python. I am facing an error "SQLCODE=-1042on: [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1042C An unexpected system error occurred. SQLSTATE=58004", whi...
作为一个程序员,数据库是我们必须掌握的知识,经常操作数据库不可避免,but,在写 SQL 语句的时候,...
关闭command-promt/shell窗口,然后重新打开它。重试python ibm_db数据库连接。这通常可以解决SQL 1042 ...
procedures for that data source. sqlcode: -1042 sqlstate: 58004 Tags: None Rabbit Recognized Expert MVP Join Date: Jan 2007 Posts: 12517 #2 Jan 15 '13, 04:02 PM It would help to know the command you're trying to run. Bytes...
但我收到错误 DB2 SQL错误:SQLCODE = -901,SQLSTATE = 58004, SQLERRMC =无效的排孔ID,驱动程序= 4.21.29 尝试搜索,但无法找到解决方案。 看答案 如果DB2认为该陈述真的太长或太短,则会发生这种情况。尝试将分号添加到语句的末尾 - 这对我有同样的错误。智能...