Dataphin管道任务读取DB2数据库报错“ DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-952, SQLSTATE=57014, SQLERRMC=null, DRIVER=4.11.77”。 问题原因 常见为整表查询时间超过了30分钟,客户端向服务端主动发送了取消请求,客户端链接关闭了,抛出异常(查询超时时间默认30分钟,时限内未返回数据),该问...
Oracle WebCenter Content - Version 10.0 to [Release 10gR3 to 11g]: Error: "DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -952, SQLSTATE: 57014, SQLERRMC: null" during Normal We
db2 SQLCODE=-952, SQLSTATE=57014 select * from OLD_FNC.FUND_CONVERSION_APPLY h left join OLD_FNC.INVESTER_FUND_ACCT t on h.acct_oid = t.entity_oid and h.trade_no = t.trade_no left join OLD_FNC.USER p on p.INVESTOR_OID = t.user_oid left join ( select ww.user_oid,ss...
本主題中的表格提供 Db2 for i可傳回應用程式之 SQLSTATE 代碼的說明。 這些表格包括 SQLSTATE 值、其意義及其對應的 SQLCODE 值。
db2 SQLCODE=-952, SQLSTATE=57014 select * from OLD_FNC.FUND_CONVERSION_APPLY h left join OLD_FNC.INVESTER_FUND_ACCT t on h.acct_oid = t.entity...显示全部 回答 邀答 关注2 评论 参与3 分享 返回icycastle的回答 icycastle数据库管理员某证券公司
SQLSTATE Value Meaning SQLCODE Values 08001 The application requester is unable to establish the connection. -30080, -30082, -30089 08002 The connection already exists. -842 08003 The connection does not exist. -843, -900 08004 The application server rejected establishment of the connection. -3006...
このトピックの表では、DB2 for i5/OS によってアプリケーションに戻される可能性のある SQLSTATE コードについて説明します。この表には、SQLSTATE 値、その意味、およびそれに対応する SQLCODE 値が含まれます。
SQLSTATE ValueMeaningSQLCODE Values 08001 The application requester is unable to establish the connection. -30080, -30082, -30089 08002 The connection already exists. -842 08003 The connection does not exist. -843, -900 08004 The application server rejected establishment of the connection. -30060,...
Dataphin管道任务读取DB2数据库报错“ DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-952, SQLSTATE=57014, SQLERRMC=null, DRIVER=4.11.77”。 问题原因 常见为整表查询时间超过了30分钟,客户端向服务端主动发送了取消请求,客户端链接关闭了,抛出异常(查询超时时间默认30分钟,时限内未返回数据),该问...
The tables in this topic provide descriptions of SQLSTATE codes that can be returned to applications by Db2 for i. The tables include SQLSTATE values, their meanings, and their corresponding SQLCODE values.