当源数据库为SQL Server,并选择不使用SSL时,测试连接失败,弹窗提示 ErrorCode=0, SQLState=08S01,同时查看相关日志,发现有如下相关错误信息:Caused by: The server selected protocol version TLS10 is not accepted by client p
When the source database type was Microsoft SQL Server and SSL was disabled, the connection test failed and message "ErrorCode=0, SQLState=08S01" was displayed. In additi
SQLSTATE(08S01) 是一个标准的 SQL 错误代码,代表 "通信链路失败"(Communication link failure)。这个错误通常发生在数据库客户端与服务器之间的连接意外中断时。可能的原因包括网络问题、数据库服务器崩溃、客户端或服务器端的连接超时等。 2. 解释errorcode(0)的含义 errorcode(0) 通常表示没有具体的错误代码被...
SQLSTATE[08S01]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: Error code 0x2714 SQLSTATE[08S02]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]SMux Provider: Physical connection is not usable [xFFFFFFFF] I tried several solutions I found but none of them seems to work, though it...
执行SQl报错, 3 marked as broken because of SQLSTATE(08S01), ErrorCode(6001)好奇害死猫 2023/05/30 1874 4 回复为提高效率,提问时请提供以下信息,问题描述清晰可优先响应。 java程序执行select sql报错,错误截图如下,请问,这个驱动和这个Dm版本不适配吗,还是其他原因 【DM版本】: 【操作系统】:【CPU】: ...
Recently we have begun to receive error messages intermittently with the following error code whenever we attempt to run or validate reports.UDA-SQL-0564 [Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server]Connection failure (SQLSTATE=08S01, SQLERRORCODE=0)I have serveral other SQL database that exist ...
1.cd /etc/mysql/ sudo vim mysql.conf.d 2 3.Move to mysqld.cnf and enter; 4.add the follow clause and add its max_allowed_packet value to 1000M max_allowed_packet=1000M 5.Save and quit 6.Restart mysql sudo service mysql restart ...
stillmooncommentedJul 19, 2023• edited use a local mysql server, this is not a network issue, All settings for the program and MySQL are configured by default. how can i fix it, thanks! the error message also has: ERROR 5806 --- [netty-thread-16] [traceID=] c.g.jasync.sql.db....
SQL Server测试连接失败,提示错误信息 ErrorCode=0, SQLState=08S01 by: The server selected protocol versionTLS10is not accepted by client preferences [TLS13, TLS12]。 问题原因 即便指定了非SSL链接,SQL Server底层协议仍会自生成一个证 来自:帮助中心 ...