ORDER BY col.colorder ; 查询列名,列说明,数据类型 <select id="findTableInfo" parameterType="String" resultType="Map">SELECT obj.name AS tableName, col.name AS columnName , CONVERT(nvarchar(50),ISNULL(ep.[value], col.name)) as columnDescribe , t.name AS dataType FROM dbo.syscolumns col...
12345SELECT tbs.name 表名,ds.value 描述 FROM sys.extended_properties ds LEFT JOIN sysobjects tbs ON ds.major_id=tbs.id ...
与Oracle不同:create table tablenew as select * from tableold 7. mysql创建索引: 两种方式,一种alter table,一种create 1.alter table ALTER TABLE table_name ADD INDEX index_name (column_list) ALTER TABLE table_name ADD UNIQUE (column_list) ALTER TABLE table_name ADD PRIMARY KEY (column_list)...
/* 用户注册,也算是添加吧 */ Create proc [dbo].[UserAdd] ( @loginID nvarchar(50), --登录帐号 @password nvarchar(50), --密码 @email nvarchar(200) --电子信箱 ) as declare @userID int --用户编号 --登录账号已经被注册 if exists(select loginID from tableName where loginID = @loginID...
I'm creating a table in SQL Server using SSMS and I'm a little overwhelmed with all of the column properties. In this tip we explain what each property is meant for and the options.
DataCompressionType describe about the compression status of a table/index partition. None means no compression, Row means compression row wise,Page means compression applied page wise and ColumnStore is compression columnstore wise DelayedDurability Specifies the delayed durability option of the database...
2 查阅表的详情SparkSQL方式sql-- 通过路径获得表信息DESCRIBE DETAIL '/path/to/delta/'-- 通过表名获得表信息DESCRIBE DETAILdeltaTableSpark Python API 方式 python fromdelta.tablesimport * 通过指定表路径获得表deltaTable = DeltaTable.forPath(spark, pathToTable) 查询表属性明细detailDF = deltaTable.deta...
Properties Methods IDTSManagedComponentHost130 IDTSManagedComponentWrapper100 IDTSMultiInputComponent100 IDTSMultiInputComponentHost100 IDTSObject100 IDTSObjectModel100 IDTSOutput100 IDTSOutputCollection100 IDTSOutputColumn100 IDTSOutputColumn130 IDTSOutputColumnCollection100 ...
TransferToOutputBuffers(Int32, Int32[], PipelineBuffer[]) Validate() 验证该组件已正确配置。 (继承自 PipelineComponent) ValidateExternalMetadata(DataTable, IDTSOutput100) (继承自 PipelineComponentExt) 适用于 产品版本 SQL Server .NET SDK 2016, 2017, 2019 本文...
The following example shows how to create several SqlMetaData objects, which describe the column metadata of a record, and creating a SqlDataRecord. The column values of the SqlDataRecord are set and the SqlDataRecord is sent to the calling program by using the SqlContext class....