1、当我们要在UNIX平台用SHELL访问数据库(如:做一些后台操作,定时任务等等),这个时候SQLPLUS是唯一选择。 2、SQLPLUS 是ORACLE自带的工具,只要安装了数据库就有了,而PLSQL DEVELOPE等工具还要独立安装。并且由于是客户端工具,在网络故障或者是主机性能障碍情况下,往往根本就无法登陆进该工具。 3、每个工具都各有所长...
我们/我会收到大量带有脚本位置@Z:/aFolder/aScript.sql的电子邮件;然后,我们必须通过打开SQLPlus并将文件位置粘贴到其中“@Z:/aFolder/aScript.sql;我一直在寻找一种通过c#或VBA自动执行此操作的方法我认为通过VBA实现的Windows脚本主机对象模型选项是一个很好的选项示例: Option Explicit Sub SQLPlus(strFilePath)...
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20200, 'SQL_ID "^^input_sql_id." not found in memory.'); END IF; END IF; END; / WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; SET ECHO ON TIMI ON; /*** HowTo: Use Oracle / MySQL SQL Commands In UNIX Shell Scripts last updated January 29, 2010inCategoriesBASH Shell How ...
SQLPLUS输出到shell脚本而不返回值 在云计算领域中,SQLPlus 是一个命令行界面,用于连接和管理 Oracle 数据库。要将 SQLPlus 的输出重定向到 shell 脚本,而不返回值,可以使用以下方法: 使用spool命令将输出重定向到文件: 在SQL*Plus 中,可以使用spool命令将输出重定向到文件。例如,以下命令将输出重定向到名为output....
Unix/Linux下,shell脚本调用sqlplus的几种方式介绍: 一、最简单的shell调用sqlplus #!/bin/bash sqlplus -S /nolog > sqlplus.log < conn scott/scott select sysdate from dual; quit EOF 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 二、sqlplus返回执行结果给shell
My #1 Oracle DBA tool is sqlplus –I use it to automate DBA tasks directly on the Oracle Server from shell scripts. I often put the output of sqlplus -s in a shell variable and use it for further processing. I also wrap the sqlplus script output in a shell function and pipe it’s ...
How to add new line in sqlplus within a bash script? I have a bash script (.sh) that executed the below sqlplus code: sqlplus -s /nolog <<EOF > /logs/sql.log CONNECT db_user/db_password@db_name $SQL_STATEMENT EXIT EOF The $... bash shell unix sqlplus user1508682 1,361 asked...
You tried to execute a file that is not in a valid executable format. The most common format for binary programs under linux is called ELF. Note that your shell will run ascii files that have the executable bit set as a shell script (ie run it as shell commands). ...
You tried to execute a file that is not in a valid executable format. The most common format for binary programs under linux is called ELF. Note that your shell will run ascii files that have the executable bit set as a shell script (ie run it as shell commands). ...
HBase的shell命令行界面按退格键(Backspace)无法删除问题 在HBase的shell命令行界面输入错误项按"退格键"删除,却怎么也删除不了:解决办法: 第一步,修改SecureCRT的设置参数: 第二步,按"Ctrl+退格键(Backspace)"进行删除即可。 HBase命令行无法删除命令的问题 ...