2. 使用预处理器:Oracle数据库提供了一个功能强大的预处理器(External Procedure Call),可以在SQL语句中调用外部程序。 首先,在Oracle数据库服务器上创建一个存储过程,例如存储过程名为execute_command: “`plsql CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE execute_command(p_command IN VARCHAR2, p_output OUT VARCHAR2) AS L...
REMARK REMARK comment or --comment-- or/* comment */ RUN Execute (or re-execute) commandsinthe SQL*Plus buffer Lists the commands before running. RUNFORM Run a SQL*Forms application. SAVE file Save the contents of the SQL*Plus bufferina command file. SAVE file [CRE[ATE] | REP[LACE] ...
has no command history list and does not record SQL * Plus commands. ED [ IT ] [ file_name[.ext ] ] Not available in iSQL * Plus 例子:不指定文件名 SQL > EDIT F: / 会创建一个 * 。sql文件,如下图所示 SQL > EDIT F: / 123 .TXT 创建123.txt文件。如下图所示 -- -22 EXECUTE ...
or PL/SQL block which is stored in the SQL buffer. Enter LIST with no clauses to list all lines. In SQL*Plus command-line you can also use ";" to list all the lines in the SQL buffer. The buffer has no command history list and does not record SQL*Plus commands. L[IST] [n |...
importsubprocessdefexecute_sql_file(sql_file):sqlplus_command=f'sqlplus username/password@database @{sql_file}'subprocess.run(sqlplus_command,shell=True)if__name__=="__main__":execute_sql_file('example.sql') 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ...
command history list and does not record SQL*Plus commands. L[IST] [n | n m | n * | n LAST | * | * n | * LAST | LAST] 输入l 3 我想修改一buffer的语句,比如加一个条件ename ='SCOTT'; SQL> ? EDIT EDIT --- Invokes 调用 an operating system text editor文本编辑器 on the content...
The buffer has no command history list and does not record SQL*Plus commands. ED[IT] [file_name[.ext]] Not available in iSQL*Plus EXECUTE --- Executes a single PL/SQL statement or runs a stored procedure. EXEC[UTE] statement EXIT --- Commits or rolls back all pending changes, logs ...
Here commonlyused sql*plus commands: SQLscript file SQL>start file_name SQL>@ file_name We can save multiple SQL statements textfile, so whenyou want executeall SQLstatements file,you can use any abovecommands, which batchprocessing dos.What differencebetween startcommand used SQLscript file. ...
21)EXECUTE 执行一条PL/SQL语句 SQL> SET SERVEROUT ON SQL> EXECUTE CZWTEST; 可以将EXECUTE缩写为EXEC,执行如下 SQL> EXEC CZWTEST; 22)EXIT 退出SQL Plus,返回操作系统界面,该命令与QUIT是一样的作用,都是可以退出当前的SQLPLUS环境到系统环境中,HOST可以切换到操作系统中,跟FTP下面的!的作用差不多。
sqlplus中常用设置参数 sqlplus中常⽤设置参数 ⼀、各种设置参数解释 Sql*plus是⼀个最常⽤的⼯具,具有很强的功能,主要有: 1. 数据库的维护,如启动,关闭等,这⼀般在服务器上操作。 2. 执⾏sql语句执⾏pl/sql。 3. 执⾏sql脚本。 4. 数据的导出,报表。 5. 应⽤...