发生bash: command not found命令未找到的错误,这有可能你的命令名称拼写错误,或者你没有安装,命令已经安装但不在你PATH环境变量的路径中。...确保该命令已安装在你的系统上这是bash: command not found命令未找到错误,另一个常见原因。如果尚未安装,则无法运行命令。 5.8K10...
to execute sqlplus command from unix environment.Infact I enter the command Here is what I entered. $ pwd /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0_64/TSTGDPB/bin $ ls -l sqlplus -rwxr-x--x 1 oragdpb oinstall 1062664 Oct 18 2005 sqlplus $ whoami bpt3a1 $ sqlplus /bin/ksh: sqlplus: not.....
我可以使用putty运行脚本并查看所需的result.In Unix服务器。我已经在.bash_profile文件中设置了Oracle路径和库路径。因此,当我启动putty时,它会被加载,并且可以理解sqlplus命令。现在挑战是当我从Jenkins(Windows节点)调用该shell脚本时,我得到错误"sqlplus command not found“。在这里,我首 浏览5提问于2016-12-29...
hi, i need bash shell script run on the crontab(Unix tru64). i have write my shell. it's using sqlplus command and connect to oracle db. execute cron job when i have error messege: "sqlplus: command not found" have you any suggestion? 4...
随着在Unix和Linux平台下工作的时间越长,不同种类的shell繁多,感觉对shell的认识由清晰开始变得模糊,所以应该赶紧弄清楚它们,shell太重要了。以下内容来自互联网综合、整理后的。 .profile:是Bourne Shell (sh)的配置文件,Korn Shell (ksh)兼容sh所以也会使用.profile。
Linux:Linux是一款可以免费使用的开放源码的操作系统,其以POSIX以及Unix思想为基础,诞生于1991年十月五日,在全世界的软件爱好者的支持下不断完善其功能、并使得操作系统更加稳定,得到广泛的关注与使用。 Shell:Shell被称作壳层,作为系统的用户界面,提供上层应用与内核进行交互操作的接口,通过接收用户的命令,然后调用相应...
SQL*Plus - Version and laterGeneric UNIXSymptomsNon-oracle user is trying to login to database via SQL*Plus. The environment is setup correctly, but attempts to access Sql*Plus results in a permission denied error. Trying to execute Sql*Plus as oracle user works fine.Example...
1.U3D经常莫名奇妙崩溃。 一般是由于空异常造成的,多多检查自己的引用是否空指针。 2.编码切换警告提示。 警告提示:Some are Mac OS X (UNIX) and some are Windows. This might l unity ar闪退 错误提示 加载 html 转载 AI领域布道师 6月前 50阅读 ...
dependent module /unix.0509-136 Symbol ReadFile (number 95) is not exported fromdependent module /unix.0509-136 Symbol WriteFile (number 96) is not exported fromdependent module /unix.0509-192 Examine .loader section symbols with the'dump -Tv' command....
Once you are connect “as sysdba” you can do anything. You can for instance change SYSTEM password using the following command: alter user system identified by newpassword; connect system/newpassword If you want to learn Oracle get in the habit of using a non-privileged schema (do not use...