说明 在后台数据统计中,莫名发现了多个SQLiteFullException异常,Android开发很多坑是你想不到的,这里简单记录一下。 原因 在Android 6.0及以下低版本手机出现,在这些版本手机中系统没有做容错机制,导致在数据库或磁盘已满时报SQLiteFullException异常。 解决办法 最直接的方法当然是try catch,在catch中做对应的逻辑处理,...
的异常,这通常意味着在执行数据库操作时,SQLite 数据库无法写入更多的数据,原因可能是数据库文件大小达到了其限制,或者是存储数据库的磁盘空间不足。以下是一些解决此问题的步骤: 1. 确认错误消息的含义 SQLiteFullException: database or disk is full 表示SQLite 数据库或存储数据库的磁盘已满,无法继续写入数据。
SQLite supports FULL OUTER JOIN since version 3.39.0. First you must aggregate inside each of the tables and then do a FULL join on the aggregated results: WITH cte_A AS (SELECT year_A, SUM(amount_A) AS sum_A FROM T_A GROUP BY year_A), cte_B AS (SELECT year_B, SUM(amount_...
SQLiteFullException 构造函数 属性 SQLiteMisuseException SQLiteOpenHelper SQLiteOutOfMemoryException SQLiteProgram SQLiteQuery SQLiteQueryBuilder SQLiteReadOnlyDatabaseException SQLiteStatement SQLiteTableLockedException Android.DeviceLock Android.Drm Android.Gestures ...
因此首先想到了对整个项目的数据库框架进行优化。 原先使用android本身内置的sqllite,也就是用的最基本...
I am trying to build an app that utilizes SQLite FTS. I found a very interesting post on how to do this just the way I want to. However, I am not a very experienced programmer at all and especially not in CoreData which is used in this post. Is there any example project that does...
Hi, This sample is working fine on emulator but when I am installing apk on TV(Real device), Then i am getting this error, 10-22 19:17:03.687 2538 4411 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: IntentService[EpgDataCleanupService] 10-22 19:17:0...
sqlite数据库执行full outer join时提示:RIGHT and FULL OUTER JOINs are not currently supported。 sqlite数据库不支持(+),不支持右外连接(right outer join)和全外连接(full outer join),但支持左外连接(left outer join)。我们可以利用这一点来得到全外连接的结果 ...
SQLite's FTS3 and FTS4 (full-text search) extension modules allow users to create special tables with a built-in full-text index. This extension is usually enabled by default. (I checked: most platforms we support have a version of SQLit...
SQLite提供的FTS(Full Text Search)模块,就是用来支持全文检索的。 FTS从1到5已经发展了5个版本,1和2已经废弃了。 通常情况下使用最新的版本一般性能上会有最好的优化,这样看FTS5似乎是最好的选择。但是由于FT5需要SQLite 3.9.0以上支持,iOS 9内置的SQLite版本还是3.8.8,而且FTS5暂时没有对中文支持比较好的分词...