sqlite_constraint_notnull错误的含义 sqlite_constraint_notnull错误是SQLite数据库在执行SQL操作时遇到的一种约束错误,表示尝试向一个定义了NOT NULL约束的列中插入了NULL值。在SQLite中,NOT NULL约束用于确保某列不接受空值(NULL),如果尝试违反这一约束,SQLite将抛出SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_NOTNULL错误。
NOT NULL约束是一种数据库约束,用于确保表中的某个列不接受空值。当试图向该列插入空值时,数据库会触发NOT NULL约束失败的错误。 代码1299 SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_NOTNULL是SQLite数据库中的错误代码,表示NOT NULL约束失败。 解决该错误的方法是确保向该列插入的值不为空。可以通过以下方式解决: ...
形式如下: column_name data_type [constraint constraint_name] not null 其中,constraint constrai...
I am using @prisma/adapter-d1 to create a data entry, and this table has a foreign key relationship. I added "?" to the corresponding relationship in schema.prisma to make it nullable, but it keeps prompting "D1_ERROR: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed: SQLITE_CONSTRAINT" How to reproduce C...
Link = null }; db.Insertable(p).ExecuteCommand(); 抛异常 Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteException: 'SQLite Error 19: 'NOT NULL constraint failed: PhotoDetails.Link'.' 如果Link不是null var p = new PhotoDetails { Time = new DateTime(yyyy, xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4]), Ac...
Flask报错:sqlite3.IntegrityError: NOT NULL constraint failed: step. date 报错如图 解决方法 报错如图 解决方法 开始: db=connect_db() db.execute( 'INSERT INTO walk (step) VALUES (?)', [step]) db.commit() ...
sqlite3.IntegrityError: NOT NULL constraint failed: collections.database_id Versions Python 3.11.7 it always showes for no reason chromadb.db.base.UniqueConstraintError: Collection 2e7e6778-d02f-4382-b18d-741d33044ac9 already exists Relevant log output ...
I've been working with SQLite for a while now, and this was the first time I've seen a constraint not catch something like this. Just wanted to pass along as I found it odd. Have a great day -Justin ___ sqlite-users mailing list sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.orghttp:/...