lua_createtable(L, col_count,0);for(i =0; i < col_count; i++) {if(mode ==0) {/* fetch, rows */lua_pushstring(L,sqlite3_column_name(s->handle, i)); }elseif(mode ==1) {/* ifetch, irows */lua_pushinteger(L, i +1); }switch(sqlite3_column_type(s->handle, i)) ...
sqlite3_column_name() — Get the name of a result column Definition const char* sqlite3_column_name( sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int cidx ); const void* sqlite3_column_name16( sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int cidx ); stmt A prepared statement. cidx A column index. The first column has an in...
在Ubuntu 18上编译sqlite3库后在运行程序时出现undefined reference to `sqlite3_column_table_name’的错误。网上的说法是说缺少SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA的宏定义,解决办法是在sqlite3.c增加一行代码: #define SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA 1 1. 这个解决办法其实不好,更好的办法是在运行confi...
Did anyone tried this function (sqlite3_column_origin_name) on Objective-C? It exists in sqlite3.h but I get an error when I try to use it: Undefined symbols for architecture i386: "_sqlite3_column_origin_name", referenced from: +[SQLCommunication executeSelect:] in SQLCommunication.o l...
/gdal-3.1.1/.libs/ undefined reference to `sqlite3_column_table_name' google一番,发现是sqlite3需要配置一个宏 SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA When this C-preprocessor macro is defined, SQLite includes some additional APIs that provide convenient acces...
import sqlite3 db_path = "/Users/mbp2013/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Documents/Code/xml_echo_script/echo_db.db" conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path) db = conn.cursor() variable = "whatever" db.execute("ALTER TABLE echo ADD COLUMN ?", (variable)) However, I keep getting...
Python程序的错误分两种。一种是语法错误(syntax error)。这种错误是语句的书写不符合Python语言的语法...
[转帖]HOWTO rename column name in Sqlite3 database 原文在此 Say you have a table and need to rename "colb" to "col_b": First you rename the old table: ALTERTABLEorig_table_name RENAMETOtmp_table_name; Then create the new table, based on the old table but with the updated column ...
因为安装sqlite3的时候没有把sqlite3_column_table_name相关函数编译进来 如果使用ubnutu上的apt软件包安装的默认是没有编译这个func的 下载对应压缩包 sqlite-autoconf-3350400.tar.gz 注意不要下载amalgamation版本的这个是源代码不包含makefile 解压 tar -xvf sqlite-autoconf-3350400.tar.gzcd sqlite-autoconf-33504...