warning: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/libtool: archive library: Release/nothing.a the table of contents is empty (no object file members in the library define global symbols) npm ERR! /bin/sh: python: command not found npm ERR! make: *** [Release/obj/gen/sqlite-autoconf-3...
Command line interface for SQLite 3 (tools) Andere aan sqlite3-tools gerelateerde pakketten depends recommends suggests enhances libc6(>= 2.38) GNU C Library: Shared libraries libtcl8.6(>= 8.6.0) Tcl (the Tool Command Language) v8.6 - run-time library files ...
很多Linux 操作系统默认会安装一个 SQLite 软件,或者打开 SQLite 官方下载页面,找到“Precompiled Binaries for XXX”,根据不同平台点击下载相应的“sqlite-tools-xxx.zip”文件。下载之后直接解压 zip 文件,其中包含 3 个文件:sqldiff 或者 sqldiff.exe,SQLite 数据库比较工具; sqlite3 或者 sqlite3.exe,SQLite ...
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ Install the [Xcode Command-Line Tools](http://osxdaily.com/2014/02/12/install-co Now, run these commands in your preferred terminal in a good directory for development: ``` git lfs install # Setup Git LFS. npm install --global yarn # Make sure you have have...
SQLite3.DLL is the dynamic-link library file containing the command-line tools used for managing the SQLite database. When you install an app that uses the SQLite database, the SQLite3.DLL is also automatically installed on your computer. ...
File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\django\lib\sqlite3\dbapi2.py", line 27, in from _sqlite3 importImportError: DLL load failed: 找不到指定的模块。 out: 解决方法 下载sqlite-tools sqlite-dll(可在sqllite官网下载,注意系统版本) 下载完成后解压到环境变量含有的目录,若不清楚放在哪里,可直接放在python.exe所...
对于Windows用户,您可以安装Visual Studio Build Tools。对于Mac用户,您可以安装Xcode Command Line Tools。 4.确保您已经安装了SQLite3的开发包。对于Windows用户,您可以从SQLite官方网站下载预编译的二进制文件。对于Mac用户,您可以使用Homebrew来安装SQLite3: ``` brew install sqlite3 ``` 5.在命令行中导航到您...
# Build a ZIP archive containing various command-line tools.# tool-zip: testfixture sqlite3 sqldiff sqlite3_analyzer $(TOP)/tool/mktoolzip.tcl ./testfixture $(TOP)/tool/mktoolzip.tcl # The next two rules are used to support the "threadtest" target. Building ...
一、前言 在Unbuntu中用sqlite3-command-line操作sqlite3还好好的,到了windows下查询表内容时发现中文全部乱码了...马上想到sqlite3内部使用utf-8对字符进行编码,而windows的默认编码时gbk,cmd命令环境自然也是gbk了,乱码是正常不过的事。解决办法自然就是修改cmd命令环境的编码方式。...进入cmd命令环境 // 改用utf...
大致说一下相应的命令就行了、作为学习sqlite的一个记录 1:选择下载对应自己系统的sqlite.3exe文件 2...