读取这些数据的方法为: defsqliteData(value1,value2): rows=[] try: conn=sqlite3.connect...self.driver.get('http://www.baidu.com') def test_001(self): '''验证只输入用户名返回的错误信息...self.assertEqual(data.sqliteData(1,3),errorText(self.driver)) def test_002(self): '''验证...
Comparison operators are used in the WHERE clause to determine which records to select. Here is a list of the comparison operators that you can use in SQLite: Comparison OperatorDescription = Equal == Equal <> Not Equal != Not Equal > Greater Than >= Greater Than or Equal < Less Than ...
SELECT sql FROM (SELECT * FROM sqlite_master UNION ALL SELECT * FROM sqlite_temp_master) WHERE tbl_name LIKE '%s' AND type!='meta' AND sql NOT NULL AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%' ORDER BY substr(type,2,1), name The "%s" in the query is replace by your argument. This allows you...
Add a standalone chunk to theWHEREclause of this query. BuildQuery(String[], String, String, String, String, String) Construct aSELECTstatement suitable for use in a group ofSELECTstatements that will be joined throughUNIONoperators in buildUnionQuery. ...
NOT 运算符是所用的逻辑运算符的对立面。比如 NOT EXISTS、NOT BETWEEN、NOT IN,NOT LIKE等等。它是否定运算符。 OR 运算符用于结合一个 SQL 语句的 WHERE 子句中的多个条件。 IS NULL 运算符用于把某个值与 NULL 值进行比较。 IS 运算符与 = 相似。
(is_not_null(&User::imageUrl))); for(auto id : idsWithUrl) { cout << "id with image url " << id << endl; } auto idsWithUrl2 = storage.select(&User::id, where(not is_null(&User::imageUrl))); assert(std::equal(idsWithUrl2.begin(), idsWithUrl2.end(), idsWithUrl....
WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name; For indices, type is equal to 'index', name is the name of the index and tbl_name is the name of the table to which the index belongs. For both tables and indices, the sql field is the text of the original CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX statement...
请注意,标识符将撇号加倍以将其转义为文字字符,而不是字符串分隔符:SELECT TOP 20 Name,$TRANSLATE(Name,', .''-') AS AlphaName FROM Sample.PersonWHERE...Name %STARTSWITH 'O'在以下示例中,三参数 $TRANSLATE 通过将逗号和空格替换为插入符号 (^) 字符来修改名称值,返回以三部分分隔的名称(姓氏、...
要添加查询条件,可通过.where开头的方法来进行: List<DBData> result = DB.getTable("user") .whereEqual("name", "张三") //添加查询条件,查询 name=张三 的结果 .whereGreater("age", 10) //添加查询条件,查询 age>10 的结果 .whereLess("grade", 100) //添加查询条件,查询 grade<100 的结果 .whe...
p.equal({ id: address.person }) } ) .map(f => ({ // SELECT self.id AS id, self.name AS name, address.address AS address id: f.self.id, name: f.self.name, address: f.address.address })) // WHERE self.married = 1