WHERE is a powerful filter A WHERE clause can let you take exactly the piece of the data you want. It sets the conditions for the SELECT, and the query will return only those rows that match the conditions. It provides you with a great degree of control over the conditions to impose re...
1、select语句 select语句用于从数据表中检索数据 语法如下: Select [所选字段列表] from [数据表名] Where [条件表达式] group by [字段名] Order by [字段名] 1. 2. 3. 假设数据表名称是tb_emp,要检索出tb_emp表中所有女员工的姓名、年龄,并按年龄升序排序,代码如下: select name,age from tb_emp ...
VS($db->escapestring("'\""),"''\""); VS($db->querysingle("SELECT * FROM foo"),"ABC"); VS($db->querysingle("SELECT * FROM foo",true),array("bar"=>"ABC")); $res = $db->query("SELECT * FROM foo"); VS($res->fetcharray(),array(0=>"ABC","bar"=>"ABC")); VS($r...
With the help of different examples, we will discover how to use the SQLite DISTINCT term, SQLite DISTINCT by a SELECT query, and SQLite SELECT unique on several columns to acquire unique values from a specific table. Any compiler must be installed to run the queries. We installed the BD B...
SELECT * FROM Students; Then you should see the two students returned from that query as following: RELATED ARTICLES SQLite Database Tutorial for Beginners: Learn with Examples SQLite Database: How to Create, Open, Backup & Drop Files
(SqliteConnection db =newSqliteConnection($"Filename={dbpath}")) { db.Open(); SqliteCommand selectCommand =newSqliteCommand ("SELECT Text_Entry from MyTable", db); SqliteDataReader query = selectCommand.ExecuteReader();while(query.Read()) { entries.Add(query.GetString(0)); } }returnentries...
$result = $db->query("SELECT name,registerdate,logindate,lastip,hash FROM players"); $i =0;while(is_array($row = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC))) { $i++; $info = AccountInfo::defaultInstance($row["name"],$this->defaultOpts); ...
publicUserGetByUsername(stringusername){varuser =fromuinconn.Table<User>()whereu.Username == usernameselectu;returnuser.FirstOrDefault(); } 更新及刪除資料列 您可以使用SQLiteConnection物件的Update方法更新資料列。 您可以提供一個物件,用以定義要以新值更新的資料列。Update方法會修改與所提供物件具有相同...
select *from haha where id =lanzhou and passwd = 123456; 如果你有显示,也就是查到东西了,这个时候你就可以登录了 常见的匹配条件: in、and、or、between and、like模糊查找、not(取其补集) where的高级用法: in: 允许在where子句中规定多个值
If no error exists in the INSERT query and the SELECT query, the following output appears: Different Examples of the Upsert Statement The uses of the “upsert” statement are shown in the following in this part of the tutorial: Example 1: Using the UPSERT Statement to Do Nothing on UPDATE...