SQLite database query tool, SQL editor, and database browser features and information about tools for creating SQLite tables, views, triggers, and much more.
sqlitr is a trivial query tool for SQLite. Usage: sqlitr [FLAGS] path/to/db.sqlite query [QUERY_ARGS] Examples: sqlitr --help sqlitr --version # simple select, will print header row sqlitr ./testdata/example.sqlite 'SELECT * FROM actor' # same as above, but don't print header ...
+(NSMutableArray<NSMutableDictionary*>*)querySql:(NSString*)sql uid:(NSString*)uid{[selfopenDB:uid];// 准备语句(预处理语句)// 1. 创建准备语句// 参数1: 一个已经打开的数据库// 参数2: 需要中的sql// 参数3: 参数2取出多少字节的长度 -1 自动计算 \0// 参数4: 准备语句// 参数5: 通过...
Fortunately, the open source community has a number of SQLite tools available (a long list of them is on the SQLite Web site), but if you just need a quick Query Analyzer-like tool, try SQLite Administrator, a free tool available for download at sqliteadmin.orbmu2k.de. Goin’ Native ...
然后依次选择菜单“View”→“Tool Windows”→“App Inspection”,Android Studio界面下方会弹出“App Inspection”窗口,在该窗口选择设备名称,以及设备上的调试应用名称,如下图所示。 选中待调试的应用名称之后(确保调试应用的活动页面已经打开数据库写连接),稍等片刻,App Inspection窗口会在左边列出已连接的数据库名称...
Supports customize toolbar and new toolbar icons. Query Editor’s auto save feature has been improved. Supports SQLite version 3.33.0 (2020-08-14). Additional bug fixes and stability improvements.4.3.1 - Jul 8, 2020Filter in Data Editor now supports “!=” and “not contains” operator.4....
12 @interface YYPersonTool : NSObject 13 /** 14 * 保存一个联系人 15 */ 16 + (void)save:( YYPerson*)person; 17 18 /** 19 * 查询所有的联系人 20 */ 21 + (NSArray *)query; 22 + (NSArray *)queryWithCondition:(NSString *)condition; ...
首先确保已经安装了最新版的Android Studio Bumblebee,打开电脑上的Android Studio,并通过USB数据线连接待调试的设备(设备上同时启动待调试的应用)。然后依次选择菜单“View”→“ToolWindows”→“App Inspection”,Android Studio界面下方会弹出“App Inspection”窗口,在该窗口选择设备名称,以及设备上的调试应用名称,如...
# Builds the "sqlite3" command-line tool make sqlite3.c ;# Build the "amalgamation" source file make sqldiff ;# Builds the "sqldiff" command-line tool # Makefile targets below this point require tcl-dev make tclextension-install ;# Build and install the SQLite TCL extension make dev...
在Windows 上调试运行 Flutter 时,数据库文件位置在项目根目录.dart_tool\sqflite_common_ffi\databases Android Studio 可以可以在插件市场搜索一个你喜欢的SQLite插件: 然后打开设备文件浏览器: 然后在应用下找到数据库文件。 如果使用 Floor 的话,数据库时自动创建的。假设你的应用的包名是 my_app,那么你的应用的...