compound-keysqliteunique-constraint SQLite table constraint - unique on multiple columns 我可以在SQLite网站上找到关于此的语法"图表",但没有示例和我的代码崩溃。 我在单个列上有其他具有唯一约束的表,但我想在两列上向表添加约束。 这就是我所带来的SQLiteException,消息"语法错误"。 12 CREATE TABLE name ...
if (columns.IsPrimarykey) attributes.Add("IsPrimaryKey=true"); if (columns.IsIdentity) attributes.Add("IsIdentity=true"); if (attributes.Count == 0) columnattribute = string.Empty; List<string> customattributes = new List<string>(); if (!columns.IsNullable) customattributes.Add($@"{comp}...
根据CREATE TABLE的文档,特别是table-constraint,它是:
Then, you can insert multiple rows to person table with these ways below. *For the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column id, you can omit it or put NULL to automatically increment by 1: INSERT INTO person (id, name, age) VALUES (1, 'John', 36), (2, 'David', 24), (3, 'Lisa', 18); ...
比如where (column1,column2) in ((a1,b1),(a2,b2),(a3,b3)) 实例建表 create table t_demo( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(10), score int ); insert into t_demo(name,score) 02 聊聊mysql的多列组合查询 • mysql-filtering-by-multiple-columns[1] • ...
multiple INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, assuming that id is a primary key keeping in mind that nonexistent conditions ("id = 777" with no 777) will get inserted in the table and maybe cause an error if, for example, other required columns (declared NOT NULL) aren't specified in t...
sqlite alter table add multiple columns -回复 SQLite是一种嵌入式关系数据库管理系统,它被广泛应用于多个领域。在SQLite中,当我们需要向一个已存在的数据库表中添加多个列时,我们可以使用ALTER TABLE语句。本文将一步一步地介绍如何使用SQLite中的ALTER TABLE语句来添加多个列。 步骤一:了解ALTER TABLE语句 在开始...
For a WITHOUT ROWID table, N will be the number of columns in the primary key. nEq: The sqlite_stat4.nEq column holds a list of N integers where the K-th integer is the approximate number of entries in the index whose left-most K columns exactly match the K left-most columns of ...
conn.execute('''CREATETABLEIFNOTEXISTSusers(idINTEGERPRIMARYKEY,nameTEXT, ageINTEGER)''') 插入数据 使用execute()方法执行SQL语句来插入数据。 conn.execute('INSERTINTOusers(name, age)VALUES('张三',25)')conn.execute('INSERTINTOusers(name, age)VALUES('李四',30)')conn.commit() ...