The ".databases" command shows a list of all databases open in the current connection. There will always be at least 2. The first one is "main", the original database opened. The second is "temp", the database used for temporary tables. There may be additional databases listed for data...
9. mode中默认的list模式与csv模式对比 echo: eqp: explain: headers: mode: nullvalue: output:colseparator:rowseparator: stats: width: filename:off offautoofflist""stdout"|""\n"offtest.dbecho: eqp: explain: headers: mode: nullvalue: output:colseparator:rowseparator...
如果 sqlite3带2个参数进行启动的话,第二个参数将做为SQL传递给SQLite library来处理, 返回结果将以list模式在标准输出中进行显示,然后sqlite3程序也退出了。 示例17: # sqlite3 /data/data/ "select * from system;select * from system" 以SQL语句作为sqlite...
Return a list of all SQLite databases and the sizes of each database. The list is returned as a Lua table where the first index is the name of the database and the second index is the size (in bytes) of the database. Example ...
.databases List names and files of attached databases(列出附加到数据库的数据库和文件) .dump ?TABLE? ... Dump the database in an SQL text format(保存表到SQL格式的文件中, 没有指表名, 则保存所有. 如果要保存到磁盘上需要结合 .output 命令.) ...
1. 创建列表 1)...创建一个包含有5个元素的列表 当向列表中添加多个元素时,多个元素之间使用,隔开 my_list = [,,,] 3)...extend() 使用新的序列来扩展当前序列需要一个序列作为参数,它会将该序列中的元素添加到当前列表中 employees = ['Yuki','Jack','Kevin','Ray','Bin', 7K20 如何使用Python...
on|off Show number of rows changed by SQL.check GLOB Fail if output since .testcase does not match.clone NEWDB Clone data into NEWDB from the existing database.databases List names and files of attached databases #列出数据库的名称及其所依附的文件。.dbconfig ?op? ?val?
For available features, see the extension list. When using multiple build tags, all the different tags should be space delimited.Example:go build -tags "icu json1 fts5 secure_delete"Feature / Extension ListExtensionBuild TagDescription Additional Statistics sqlite_stat4 This option adds additional ...
b. 查看命令行帮助: sqlite> .help .backup ?DB? FILE Backup DB (default "main") to FILE .bail ON|OFF Stop after hitting an error. Default OFF .databases List names and files of attached databases .dump ?TABLE? ... Dump the database in an SQL text format If TABLE specified, only du...
What is the list of data types supported by SQLite The data types which are supported by SQLite are: Null Integer Real Text blob These all data types are described in detail. Null:This will store the null values. Integer:It will store any integer value which are in whole numbers like 1...