Case sensitive Not case sensitive Not case sensitive with few commands being case sensitive None of the aboveAnswer: C) Not case sensitive with few commands being case sensitiveExplanation:SQLite is not case sensitive with few commands being case sensitive....
可以通过打开case_sensitive_like pragma来改变这一缺省行为。当启用case_sensitive_like,'a' LIKE 'A'为假而 'a' LIKE 'a'依然为真。4 count_changes 打开。便于调试 PRAGMA count_changes; PRAGMA count_changes = 0 | 1; 查询或更改count-changes标记。正常情况下INSERT, UPDATE和DELETE语句不返回数据。
INSERT INTO users1 (name, pwd) VALUES ('kun', '123234'); SELECT * FROM users1 WHERE (name IS NOT NULL); --如果主键不为空 2、 别名 暂时把表或列重命名为另一个名字,这被称为别名。使用表别名是指在一个特定的SQLite语句中重命名表。重命名是临时的改变,在数据库中实际的表的名称不会改变 ...
As an FTS5 bareword that is not "AND", "OR" or "NOT" (case sensitive). An FTS5 bareword is a string of one or more consecutive characters that are all either: Non-ASCII range characters (i.e. unicode codepoints greater than 127), or One of the 52 upper and lower case ASCII...
PRAGMA case_sensitive_like = [true|false]; 目前没有办法查询该 Pragma 的当前状态。 count_changes Pragma count_changesPragma 获取或设置数据操作语句的返回值,如 INSERT、UPDATE 和 DELETE。语法如下: PRAGMA count_changes; PRAGMA count_changes = [true|false]; ...
Case Sensitivity:The crucial thing to remember is that SQLite does not care about the case, so the words GLOB and glob in SQLite statements have the same meaning. Comments: Comments are often used to make your SQLite code more readable. ...
SQLite AND&OR运算符用于编译多个条件,以缩小SQLite语句中选定数据的范围。这两个运算符称为合取运算符。 1.AND运算符 AND 运算符允许多个条件在SQLite的声明中存在的WHERE子句。使用AND运算符时,当所有条件都为真时,将假定完全条件为真。 语法: SELECT column1, column2, columnN FROM table_nameWHERE [condition...
PRAGMA case_sensitive_like = [true|false]; PRAGMA count_changes; PRAGMA count_changes = [true|false]; PRAGMA database_list; PRAGMA encoding; PRAGMA encoding = format; PRAGMA [database.]freelist_count; PRAGMA [database.]index_info( index_name ); ...
This should be considered a case of "DATETIME" overloading since SQLite is not case sensitive. This could really become confusing if different programmers or functions consider date/time to be stored in different ways. FUTURE TBD: Proper date/time handling will be further tested and documented ...
This should be considered a case of "DATETIME" overloading since SQLite is not case sensitive. This could really become confusing if different programmers or functions consider date/time to be stored in different ways. FUTURE TBD: Proper date/time handling will be further tested and documented ...