Show names of all indexes If TABLE specified, only show indexesfortables matching LIKE pattern TABLE. .limit?LIMIT? ?VAL?Display or change the value of an SQLITE_LIMIT .lint OPTIONS Report potential schema issues. Options: fkey-indexes Find missing foreign key indexes .load FILE?ENTRY?Load an...
Object[] bindArgs)throwsSQLException;publicintgetVersion();publicvoidsetVersion(intversion);publiclonggetMaximumSize();publiclonggetPageSize();publicvoidsetPageSize(longnumBytes);publicstaticStringfindEditTable(String tables);publicSQLiteStatementcompileStatement(String sql)throws...
FindByID(tableName, idValue, idKey):根据某个主键ID直接获取指定表对应ID的对应数据,返回单行结果 FindAll(tableName, ...):以组合条件查询指定多行数据,返回一个结果数组 FindBySQL(sql):直接执行原始的SQL查询语句,以供复杂的数据查询,返回一个结果数组 Count(tableName, ...): 以组合条件查询符合数据的条...
Maintains all tables automatically(e.g. create, alter or drop tables). Multi databases supported. Encapsulated APIs for avoiding writing SQL statements. Awesome fluent query API. Alternative choice to use SQL still, but easier and better APIs than the originals. More for you to explore.Latest...
Support all Features of SQLite.swift. Auto create tables. Auto add columns of id , created_at , updated_at . Auto set values to attributes of models frome query sql Mapping name of table with name of model, mapping attribute names with column names Support Transcation and Asynchronous A flex...
Database names must be unique within an application, not across all applications. Localized Collation - ORDER BY In addition to SQLite's defaultBINARYcollator, Android supplies two more,LOCALIZED, which changes with the system's current locale, andUNICODE, which is the Unicode Collation Algorithm...
sqlite>".tables"和在list模式下执行下面的语句相似:SELECTnameFROMsqlite_masterWHEREtype'','view')ANDnameNOTLIKE'sqlite_%'UNIONALLSELECTnameFROMsqlite_temp_masterWHEREtypeIN('table','view')ORDERBY1实际上, 如果你查看sqlite3程序的源码 (foundinthe source treeinthefilesrc/shell.c), you'll find exact...
这里同样可以使用“show tables”语句显示该数据库中所有存在的表,但是目前还没有一张表,故返回“Empty set”。(4) 创建表创建表使用:create table 表名 (字段名 字段类型 约束条件…)例如创建books图书表,包括图书编号bookid、图书名称bookname、价格price、图书日期bookdate等字段。代码如下所示:create table ...
Specify the tables, fields, indices, and views you want to transfer to the SQLite destination database by checking/unchecking the corresponding boxes. Customize generaldatabase/tablessettings. Or configure specifictable,field,indexobject individually when migrating data. ...
登录方法findByUsername(String username, String password): • 映射到"/sqlite/login"的GET请求。 • 验证传入的用户名和密码。首先通过用户名查询用户,然后将传入的密码与盐值结合,并与数据库中存储的加盐密码进行MD5加密比对。 • 如果密码匹配,则认证成功,返回 "login succeeded";否则,返回 "login failed...