DO UPDATE SET name = "John", age = 18; ``` 注意,在这种方法中,如果指定的行已存在,则会更新指定的列,否则会插入新行。 3.使用REPLACEINTO语句:如果要更新的数据不存在,也可以使用REPLACEINTO语句来实现更新。该语句用于向表中插入新行,如果指定的行已存在,则会删除该行的数据并插入新行。其基本语法如下...
DO UPDATE SET val = excluded.val 根据说明文档,这是因为解析器无法判断关键字ON是SELECT语句的连接约束还是upsert子句的开头。你可以通过向查询中添加子句来解决,例如where true。 INSERT INTO target SELECT * FROM source WHERE true ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET val = excluded.val 图片 0:同样记录insert...
INSERTINTOtargetSELECT*FROMsourceONCONFLICT(id)DOUPDATESETval=excluded.val 根据说明文档,这是因为解析器无法判断关键字ON是SELECT语句的连接约束还是upsert子句的开头。你可以通过向查询中添加子句来解决,例如where true。 代码语言:javascript 复制 INSERTINTOtargetSELECT*FROMsourceWHEREtrueONCONFLICT(id)DOUPDATESETval=...
选择sqlite_version();在冲突(uuid)时插入到用户(Uuid)值('uuid1') DO UPDATE SET 浏览1提问于2018-12-17得票数0 1回答 insert +upsert在sqlite3控制台中工作,但在python上显示语法错误 、、、 我用的是sqlite3.25.1。当我在sqlite控制台中执行以下查询时,它可以工作:values (5,age, shape, margin, dens...
using (var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction()) { // Transaction may include additional statements before the savepoint var updated = false; do { // Begin savepoint transaction.Save("optimistic-update"); var insertCommand = connection.CreateCommand(); insertCommand.CommandText = @" INSERT ...
更新数据: update 表名 set 字段=’修改后的内容’ where 条件; 增加一个列: Alter table 表名 add column 字段 数据类型; 选择查询:select 字段(以”,”隔开) from 表名 where 条件; 日期和时间:Select datetime('now') 日期: selectdate('now'); ...
update stu set name=' wangwr' where id*1001: update stu set name=' wangwu',score = 88 where id=1001; 插入一列 alter table stu add colum address char. 删除一列 gqlite3不支持,直接删除一列 (1)创建一张新的表 create table stul ag select id, name, score from stu, ...
database.setDatabaseName("MyDataBase.db"); } } // 打开数据库 bool SqliteOperator::openDb() { if (! { qDebug() << "Error: Failed to connect database." << database.lastError(); } else { // do something
Connect to Sqlite and do insert, delete, update and select Foundations of Qt Development\Chapter13\sqltest\sqlite\main.cpp/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Johan Thelin * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, ...
If the table already exists in the database, theCreateTablemethod checks the schema to see if there are any changes. If there are, the operation attempts to update the database schema. How to do basic read and write operations After you create a table, you can start interacting with it....