sqlite外键约束中。restrict约束:如果要删除父表,则子表需空。 如果没有定义约束。会报错,需设置一个约束。
139 Database: To delete or not to delete records 4 Keep getting foreign key constraint failed message in My SQL 0 SQLiteConstraintException: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed code 787 0 SQLiteDatabase.insertWithOnConflict throws exception. It should not -2 FOREIGN KEY constraint failed, SQLite ...
我在尝试升级数据库时遇到了 Foreign Key Constraint Failed (code 787) 错误。我所做的唯一更改是尝试向我的 InsertStatus 添加第 4 个条目。我环顾四周,读到使用 ON DELETE CASCADE 应该可以解决我的问题,所以我尝试将它放在我所有的 FK 引用中并再次尝试,但仍然是同样的问题。 Logcat 指向我的 onUpgrade 以及...
stupid error android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: error code 19: constraint failed 0 android SQLiteConstraintException: error code 19: constraint failed 1 android SQLite foreign key error 2 SQLiteConstraintException: error code 19: constraint failed Android 4 Android: SQLite...
File a bug Hi, In the attached project can be found a Document base class and 2 descendant classes (Order and Omb). All document types have list of Approval History so this relation is configured in Document base class. The relation base...
AND the "On delete..." trigger for that relational field is set to "Prevent the deletion", (i.e., table C1's FK has ON DELETE NO ACTION) then, if you try to add another relational field to collection C2, a "Foreign Key constraint failed" error occurs (see below) This issue does...
在Django中,当出现"FOREIGN KEY constraint failed"错误时,通常是由于外键约束失败引起的。这个错误表示在数据库中插入或更新数据时,违反了外键约束。 外键是用来建立表与表之间关系的一种约束,它确保了数据的完整性和一致性。当我们在Django中定义了一个外键字段,并且尝试插入或更新数据时,Django会自动检查外...
IntegrityError: (sqlite3.IntegrityError) FOREIGN KEY constraint failed [SQL: DELETE FROM attendee] (Background on this error at: http://sqlalche.me/e/gkpj) 在使用 DELETE 语句时,可以同时使用 WHERE 子句来筛选需要删除的数据,如果你想要删除那些没有手机号码和电子邮箱的数据,你可以: ...
外键约束(Foreign Key Constraint):用于在两表之间建立关系,需要指定引用主表的那一列。 1、添加约束 添加约束的语法如下: 代码解读 ALTER TABLE 表名 ADD CONSTRAINT 约束名 约束类型 具体的约束说明 1. 2. 示例: 代码解读 需求: 为peoNo字段添加主键约束,约束名取名为"PK_peoNo", ...