In this example, the user can save details of pupils (name, age and place) in sqlite database in android app, and view the data in a ListView. Create a new project in Sketchware. In Options/Configuration, click on Java/Kotlin manager. Create a new Java class file with name DbHandler....
Tips : 一般较大的文件不能直接放在Database中,而应该将大文件的URL放在Database中。 c. 创建数据库 1. 使用代码的方式进行创建(code) android.database.sqlite.SQLiteData ---在代码中直接使用 SQLiteDatabase sqlDB=openOrCreateDatabase("test.db",mode:SQLiteDatabase.CREATE_IF_NECESSARY,null) sqlDB.execSQL...
Kotlin: In order to make annotation processors work with Kotlin you need to add the following to yourbuild.gradle: applyplugin:'kotlin-kapt' Then usekaptconfiguration instead ofannotationProcessor. @StorIOSQLiteType(table="tweets")data classTweet@StorIOSQLiteCreator constructor(StorIOSQLiteColumn(name...
getData()!! //set IMG item_image.setImageURI(image_Uri) } else if(requestCode==IMAGE_PICK_CAMERA_CODE){ item_image.setImageURI(image_Uri) } } super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data) } } sqlDatabasekotlinandroidandroid-sqlite 来源:
SQLiteDatabase mDatabase = openOrCreateDatabase("exampleDb.db", SQLiteDatabase.CREATE_IF_NECESSARY,null); Cursor c = null; boolean tableExists = false; /* get cursor on it */ try { c = mDatabase.query("tbl_example", null, null, null, null, null, null); ...
Kotlin:val songs = LitePal.where("name like ? and duration < ?", "song%", "200").order("duration").find<Song>()7. Async operationsEvery database operation is on main thread by default. If your operation might spent a long time, for example saving or querying tons of records. You...
=nullfungetDatabase(context:Context, scope:CoroutineScope): LoanHubDatabase {valtempInstance = INSTANCEif(tempInstance !=null) {returntempInstance } synchronized(this) {valinstance = Room.databaseBuilder( context.applicationContext,,"LoanHub_Database").addCallback(User...
I have a multimodule JVM (Kotlin) project with room multiplatform database based on SQLite I'm trying create .jar with ShadowJar gradle plugin Project configuration: - gradle: 8.10 - kotlin: 2.0.20 - ksp: 2.0.20-1.0.25 - shadowJar: 8.3.0 main module build.gradle tasks.ja...
A beginner SQLite tutorial series on using SQLite for iOS. This part focuses on making an app that uses a SQLite database.