三、安装 1.下载后解压到文件夹如:D:\tools\sqlite3 2.配置sqlite环境:我的电脑-右键-属性 四、简单使用 win+r cmd 打开命令行工具 打开sqlite3 打开或创建数据库data base file,可以指定目录 .open D:\tools\sqlite3\TestLog.db 如果直接.open testlog2.db,新增的...
Read contents of SQLite Database files*.db, *.sqlite, *.db3, *.sqlite3 Free download & viewDeletedRecords of the Table in a Separate Tab Analyze SQLite database files ofSkype, Android Mobilesetc Applications To Know the Features of SQLite Viewer Pro, Click here:Upgrade Features ...
Linux, Mac OS X, both 32-bit and 64-bit. Full support for standard ODBC API functions and data types implemented in our driver makes interaction of your database applications with SQLite fast, easy and extremely handy
1).打开浏览器进入SQLite主页,。 2).单击页面顶部的下载链接(Download)选项,进入下载页面。 3).滚动鼠标到“Precompiled Binaries for Windows”,选择第一项),点击下载。 4).使用解压工具,将其解压。zip文件中包含一个sqlite3.exe文件,可以从解压文件所在位置使...
sqlite >.import [filename.csv ] newtable 备份数据库: /* usage: sqlite3 [database] .dump > [filename] */ sqlite3 mytable.db .dump > backup.sql 恢复数据库: /* usage: sqlite3 [database ]<[filename ]*/ sqlite3 mytable.db < backup.sql...
下载地址:SQLite Download Page。 按照平台下载对应的工具即可。 工具文档 文档地址:SQLite Documentation。 工具的基本使用 sqlite3命令进入sqlite命令行模式: ➜sqlite-toolssqlite3SQLiteversion3.37.02021-12-0901:34:53Enter".help"forusagehints.Connectedtoatransientin-memorydatabase.Use".open FILENAME"toreopen...
the SQLite project provides a command-line utility named sqlite3 (or sqlite3.exe on windows) that allows the user to manually enter and execute SQL statements against an SQLite database. In this document, we have discussed an introduction on how to download, install and start the sqlite3 pro...
SQLite is a C-language library that implements a small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine. SQLite is the most used database engine in the world. SQLite is built into all mobile phones and most computers and comes bundled inside countless other ...
Recover SQLite database file and Export into MS Access, SQLite and Excel Software Download Download Now Size: 15.5 MB Version: 5.1 MD5: bf106426a0664231d60df96b075dc343 Trial Limitations Limitations Trial version of SQLite Database Recovery software preview all db or .SQLite database file & all...