//创建连接字符串SQLiteConnection conn=newSQLiteConnection("Data Source=Database.sqlite;Version=3;");//这是数据库登录密码conn.SetPassword("1234");//打开数据库conn.Open();string query="create table table1 (id INTEGER, name VARCHAR)";//创建命令SQLiteCommand cmd=newSQLiteCommand(query,conn);//...
create table <table_name>(表头信息1,表头信息2,表头信息3...); 例如: create table people(NAME,SEX,AGE); <5>显示数据库中所有的表名 sqlite>.tables <6>查看表中表头的信息 .schema <7>显示调整成列模式 sqlite> .mode column <8>显示表头 sqlite> .header on 创建表: create table 表名(元素名...
//创建连接字符串SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=Database.sqlite;Version=3;");//这是数据库登录密码conn.SetPassword("1234");//打开数据库conn.Open();string query = "create table table1 (id INTEGER, name VARCHAR)";//创建命令SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(query...
.nonce STRINGDisable safe mode for one command if the nonce matches .nullvalue STRING在 NULL 值的地方输出 STRING 字符串 .once ?OPTIONS? ?FILE?Output for the next SQL command only to FILE .open ?OPTIONS? ?FILE?关闭存在的数据库或重新打开文件 .output ?FILE?Send output to FILE or stdout if...
command.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Employees (Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, Name TEXT, Age INT);"; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 这里我们使用 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 语句来创建名为 "Employees" 的表。该表包含三列:Id、Name 和 Age。注意,AUTOINCR...
cmd.Connection= cn;//把 SQLiteCommand的 Connection和SQLiteConnection 联系起来cmd.CommandText ="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t1(id varchar(4),score int)";//输入SQL语句cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();//调用此方法运行} cn.Close(); } 上面的SQL语句中存在一句“IF NOT EXISTS”,最好加上此句,如果不加此句且...
1)创建一个单个Primary Key的table 复制 CREATETABLE[Admin] ([UserName] [nvarchar] (20)PRIMARYKEYNOTNULL,[Password] [nvarchar] (50)NOTNULL,[Rank] [smallint]NOTNULL,[MailServer] [nvarchar] (50)NOTNULL,[MailUser] [nvarchar] (50)NOTNULL,[MailPassword] [nvarchar] (50)NOTNULL,[Mail] [nvarch...
$ sqlite-utils create-table foo.db dogs \ id integer \ name string \ age integer \ --pk=id simonw mentioned this issue May 2, 2020 sqlite-utils create-view CLI command #107 Closed Owner Author simonw commented May 3, 2020 Copy the design for --not-null and --default from th...
Create database: sqlite3 databasename then you can use create table command to create tables. below codes is to show how to open database and do query. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sqlite3.h> /* include sqlite3 head file */ ...
SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(conn); string cmdText = "CREATE TABLE TEST(ID int,name varchar(20))"; cmd.CommandText = cmdText; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); 一起把插入数据的代码也贴了,都一样的东西: //插入测试数据 cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [TEST] (ID,name) VALUES (1,'acen')"...