allRenamedColumnNames:@"id, isinsider, vipType, groupcode, groupname, grouppicpath, uuid, AESkey"]; /** 修改表中一个字段名 (sqlite3无法使用rename/change语句直接修改字段名) @param tableName 表名 @param oldColumnName 要被修改的字段名 @param newColumnName 字段被修改后的名称 @param newColum...
.binary on|offTurn binary output on or off. Default OFF .cd DIRECTORYChange the working directory to DIRECTORY .changes on|offShow number of rows changed by SQL .check GLOBFail if output since .testcase does not match .clone NEWDBClone data into NEWDB from the existing database .connection...
...1.在MyAPP中定义属性handler package; import; import = handler; } // get方法 public MyHandler getHandler() { return handler; } } 2、在主activity中给...Intent(MasterActivity.this, ToChangeViewActivity.class...
-(void)changeData{[selfopenSqlite];constchar*changeSql="update person set name = 'jack' where name = '魏无羡-3'";__weaktypeof(self)weakself=self;[selfmodifyDataWithSql:changeSql success:^{NSLog(@"修改成功");[weakself searchPersonAllData];}];}//修改完后查询结果-(void)searchPersonAllData...
ALTER TABLE test modify id int; -- auto_increment没了,但这样写主键依然存在,所以还要加上下面这句 ALTER TABLE test drop primary key;-- 仅仅用这句也无法直接删除主键 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 复合主键 所谓的复合主键 就是指你表的主键含有一个以上的字段。 如果一列不能唯一区分一个表里的记录时,可以...
如果将声明表的一列设置为 INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,则具有: 1.每当你在该列上插入一NULL值时, NULL自动被转换为一个比该列中最大值大1的一个整数; 2.如果表是空的, 将会是1; 算术函数 abs(X)返回给定数字表达式的绝对值。 max(X,Y[,...])返回表达式的最大值。
.cd DIRECTORY Change the working directory to DIRECTORY(将工作目录更改为DIRECTORY) .changes on|off Show number of rows changed by SQL(显示由SQL更改的行数) .check GLOB Fail if output since .testcase does not match(由于.testcase的输出不匹配,则检查GLOB失败) ...
IFEXISTSschema_change;CREATEPROCEDUREschema_change()BEGINIFNOTEXISTS(SELECT*FROMinformation_schema.statisticsWHEREtable_schema=database()ANDtable_name='Test'ANDindex_name='idxType')THENALTERTABLE`Test`ADDINDEX`idxType` ( `Type` );ENDIF;END; CALL schema_change();DROPPROCEDUREIFEXISTSschema_change;...
Add, get, change, and remove the table’s records. Install SQLite First, install the SQLite for Windows Runtime package in Microsoft Visual Studio 2013: In Microsoft Visual Studio, on theToolsmenu, clickExtensions and Updates. ExpandOnline. IfVisual Studio Galleryis not already selected, click ...