void Browser::on_fieldStrategyAction_triggered() { QSqlTableModel * tm = qobject_cast<QSqlTableModel *>(table->model()); if (tm) tm->setEditStrategy(QSqlTableModel::OnFieldChange); // 表示每当字段(列)的值发生变化时,更改会自动提交到数据库。 } // 修改完当前行数据选择其他行后当前行数...
select last_name as '姓', first_name as '名', salary as '工资' from t_employees; --需要注意的是 as 后面的别名可以不用分号 如 as 肖 -- 排序基本格式 select fieldName1, fieldName2 from tableName order by fieldName condition; -- condition可以写 asc(升序),desc(降序) 1. 2. 3. 4....
model->setSort(1,Qt::DescendingOrder);//降序排列 //下面这句很重要,设置数据库修改后保存的方式,默认应该是OnFieldChange,即编辑完就保存修改至数据库,OnManualSubmit是需要手动提交时 model->setEditStrategy(QSqlTableModel::OnManualSubmit); //刷新任务列表 ui->tableView->setModel(model); ui->tableView...
SQLITE_ASSOC Columns are returned into the array having the fieldname as the array index. SQLITE_BOTH Columns are returned into the array having both a numerical index and the fieldname as the array index. SQLITE_NUM Columns are returned into the array having a numerical index to the fields....
change_count() 返回受上一语句影响的行数。 last_statement_change_count() create table emp_bak select * from EMP;不能在sqlite中使用 插入记录 insert into table_name values (field1, field2, field3...); 查询 select * from table_name;查看table_name表中所有记录; ...
.cd DIRECTORY CHANGE the working directory TO DIRECTORY [...] 这些命令中的其中一些是二进制的,而其他一些则需要唯一的参数(如文件名、路径等)。这些是 SQLite Shell 的管理命令,不是用于数据库查询。数据库以结构化查询语言(SQL)进行查询,许多 SQLite 查询与你从MySQL和MariaDB数据库中已经知道的查询相同。但...
數據指標實作,公開 上 SQLiteDatabase查詢的結果。 SQLiteCursor 不會在內部同步處理,因此使用來自多個線程的 SQLiteCursor 的程式碼在使用 SQLiteCursor 時,應該執行自己的同步處理。 的android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursorJava 檔。此頁面的部分是根據 Android 開放原始碼專案所建立和共用的工作進行修改,並根據 ...
Namespace: Android.Database.Sqlite Assembly: Mono.Android.dll Caution This constant will be removed in the future version. Use Android.Database.Sqlite.Conflict enum directly instead of this field. When a UNIQUE constraint violation occurs, the pre-existing rows that are causin...
def initializeModel(model): model.setTable('people') model.setEditStrategy(QSqlTableModel.OnFieldChange) model.select() model.setHeaderData(0, Qt.Horizontal, "ID") model.setHeaderData(1, Qt.Horizontal, "name") model.setHeaderData(2, Qt.Horizontal, "address") ...
method, this updates the property mapped as the primary key in your model, so the UI should be able to automatically reflect this change. Unfortunately, the Label control doesn’t update itself with the new value, whereas the Entry control does, and this is the reason Entry is used, but ...