drop table course;--删除一张表(没有关联关系) ---如果想忽略大小写,即 case-insensitive,需要用到COLLATE NOCASE :--- update students set age='12' where name='mike' collate nocase; ---执行以下语句查看所有用户的用户名和年龄: select name,age from students; select *from cqx_db where type='...
首先检索列头信息,形成一个游标,然后遍历游标,将上面静态交叉表实现过程中使用Case语句判断的内容用游标里的值替代,形成一条新的Sql查询语句,然后执行并返回结果。下面是一个通用的实现动态交叉表的存储过程: CREATE procedure proc_across_table @TableName as varchar(50), --生成交叉表依据的表名 @NewColumn as...
SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE column LIKE '%cats%' --case-insensitive
SELECT*FROMsqlite_masterWHEREtype='table'ANDname='yourtablename' 在查找某个字段的内容时,使用SELECT语句,在Sqlite里是case-sensitive的。也就是说,如果你的表里的内容是大写,但是你查的是相同内容,但是是小写的,是查不到的。如果想忽略大小写,即 case-insensitive,需要用到COLLATE NOCASE: SELECT*FROMtablenam...
How to make SQLite case insensitive for column Title In the file Migrations/InitialCreate.Designer.cs, modify the column type for Title from "TEXT" to "TEXT COLLATE NOCASE" In the file /Pages/Movies/Index.cshtml.cs, modify the movies.Whe...
This sentence have been dropped out of documentation: "Keyword matching in SQLite is case-insensitive." https://github.com/sqlite/sqlite/commit/f8565825622a1ed48bdaa835968a1137b2ffa593#diff-b43337792fa9656f4e2ae1351e18bee6L1556 Can anybody say what happened at that time? This sentence seems ...
SQLite is followed by unique set of rules and guidelines called Syntax. This chapter lists all the basic SQLite Syntax.Case SensitivityThe important point to be noted is that SQLite is case insensitive, i.e. the clauses GLOB and glob have the same meaning in SQLite statements....
UntilFirstUserAuthentication = 0x00300000, ProtectionNone = 0x00400000 } [Flags] public enum CreateFlags { /// /// Use the default creation options /// None = 0x000, /// /// Create a primary key index for a property called 'Id' (case-insensitive). /// This avoids the need f...
I'm not sure if I remember wrongly, I see the COLLATE NOCASE append in the sql query very long time ago (may be not COLLATE NOCASE,but something else , all I remember is my query is case insensitive), but recently I use Sqlite again , an...
Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = caseCheckBox->isChecked() ? Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive; if (backwardCheckBox->isChecked()) { emit findPrevious(text, cs); } else { emit findNext(text, cs); } } void FindDialog::enableFindButton(const QString &text) //lineEdit内容该片,此函数会...