SQL Server 语法:SELECTTOP 1column_name FROM table_name ORDER BY column_nameASC; MySQL 语法:SELECT column_name FROM table_name ORDER BY column_name ASCLIMIT 1; Oracle 语法:SELECT column_name FROM table_nameORDER BY column_name ASC WHEREROWNUM <=1; //SQL 语句选取 "Websites" 表的 "name"...
2. 对students表中的数据按照班级进行分组,并统计每个班级的学生数量: SELECT class, COUNT(*) as student_count FROM students GROUP BY class; 3. 对students表中的数据按照班级进行分组,并计算每个班级的平均年龄: SELECT class, AVG(age) as average_age FROM students GROUP BY class;...
1. GROUP BY语句和多个列 在实际应用中,有时候我们需要同时对多个列进行分组。SQLite中的GROUP BY语句也支持对多个列进行分组。我们希望根据班级和尊称进行分组,然后统计每个班级和尊称对应的平均成绩,可以使用下面的SQL语句: ```sql SELECT class, name, AVG(score) AS average_score FROM students GROUP BY class...
这里的target_table是目标表的表名,average_price是需要更新的列名。 在Android中执行上述查询和更新操作,可以使用SQLiteOpenHelper类和SQLiteDatabase类。首先,在SQLiteOpenHelper的子类中重写onCreate方法,在该方法中创建目标表和源表。然后,在需要更新的地方,使用getWritableDatabase方法获取可写的数据库对象,然后使用ex...
-- Average Select Avg(Age) as TotalAge from Students -- 其他任务 Select distinct Name from Classes; Select count(distinct Name) from Classes; --Select ClassID, Count(*) from Students group by ClassID; --Select Students.ID, Students.Name, Classes.Name from Students, Classes ...
The SQLiteAVG()function returns the average value of an expression. SQLite COUNT() Function The SQLiteCOUNT()function returns the count of an expression. Syntax The syntax for using COUNT() function in SQLite is given below: SELECT COUNT(column_name)FROM table_name WHERE condition(s); ...
Example: SQLite avg() function with group by SQLite avg() function retrieves the average value of a given expression for each group, if it is used with group by option. The following statement will return the average number of pages for each group of 'pub_id' frombook_masttable. ...
SELECTcategory,AVG(price)ASaverage_priceFROMproductsGROUP BYcategory; 这条查询语句的功能是: SELECT category, AVG(price) AS average_price:选择category列和计算price列的平均值,并将结果命名为average_price。 FROM products:指定查询的表为products。
-- 创建分组集 CREATE TABLE sales ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, product_id INTEGER, quantity INTEGER, price REAL ); -- 查询并分组集 SELECT product_id, SUM(quantity) AS total_quantity, SUM(price) AS total_price FROM sales GROUP BY product_id; 创建和管理架构 架构是数据库中的逻辑容器,用于组织...