ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMN column_name column_type; 其中, - `table_name`:表示要添加列的表名。 - `column_name`:表示要添加的列的名称。 - `column_type`:表示要添加的列的数据类型。SQLite支持多种数据类型,如INTEGER、REAL、TEXT等。 例如,要在名为"customers"的表中添加一个名为"email"的...
创建一个游标对象 在ALTER TABLE语句中使用ADD COLUMN子句添加新字段 提交更改 关闭连接 以下代码演示了如何向users表格中插入新字段email。 importsqlite3 conn=sqlite3.connect('example.db')cursor=conn.cursor()# 添加新字段 emailcursor.execute('ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN email TEXT')# 提交更改conn.commit...
ALTER TABLE 表名 ADD 列名1 数据类型1,Add 列名2 数据类型2 另外,在添加字段时,还可以指定位数(日期类型除外)、是否为空、默认值 例如:ALTER TABLE t_test ADD type TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2、修改 修改单列数据类型: ALTER TABLE 表名 MODIFY COLUMN 列名 数...
SELECT column1, column2...columnN FROM table_name WHERE CONDITION-1 {AND|OR} CONDITION-2; SQLite ALTER TABLE 语句: ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMN column_def...; SQLite ALTER TABLE 语句(Rename): ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name; SQLite ATTACH DATABASE 语句: ATTACH DATA...
Add a comment 1 When I ran "CREATE TABLE tmp_table AS SELECT id, name FROM src_table", I lost all the column type formatting (e.g., time field turned into a integer field As initially stated seems like it should be easier, but here is what I did to fix. I had this problem...
官方解释如下:(11) How do I add or delete columns from an existing table in SQLite. SQLite has limited ALTER TABLE support that you can use to add a column to the end of a table or to change the name of a table. If you want to make more complex changes in the structure of a tab...
ANALYZE;orANALYZE database_name;orANALYZE database_name.table_name; SQLite AND/OR 子句: SELECT column1,column2...columnN FROM table_name WHERE CONDITION-1{AND|OR}CONDITION-2; SQLite ALTER TABLE 语句: ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMN column_def...; SQLite...
ANALYZE;orANALYZE database_name;orANALYZE database_name.table_name; SQLite AND/OR 子句: SELECT column1,column2...columnN FROM table_name WHERE CONDITION-1{AND|OR}CONDITION-2; SQLite ALTER TABLE 语句: ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMN column_def...; SQLite...
It is not possible to rename a column, remove a column, or add or remove constraints from a table. source : While you can always create a new table and then drop the older one. I will try to explain this workaround with an example. sqlite...
ANALYZE database_name.table_name; SQLite AND/OR 子句的语法: SELECT column1, column2...columnN FROM table_name WHERE CONDITION-1 {AND|OR} CONDITION-2; SQLite ALTER TABLE 语句的语法 ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMN column_def...; SQLite...