在R中安装 sqldf包 安装这个包的时候直接 install.packages("sqldf")就可以 不过可能会有点小插曲,就是会有报错: Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'tcltk', details: call: fun(libname, pkgname) error: Tcl/Tk support is not available on this system Error : package ‘tcltk’ could...
熟悉MySQL的朋友可以使用sqldf来操作数据框 #引入sqldf库(sqldf)library(sqldf)#释放RMySQL库的加载(针对sqldf报错)#detach("package:RMySQL", unload=T)#读取数据data <- read.csv("data.csv")#sql查询results <- sqldf("select distinct(name) from data")#获取故障代码列表,R中for循环不能处理List,需要转换...
all.equal(as.data.frame(a2r), a2s) data(farms, package = "MASS") a3r <- subset(farms, Manag %in% c("BF", "HF")) a3s <- sqldf("select * from farms where Manag in ('BF', 'HF')") row.names(a3r) <- NULL identical(a3r, a3s) a4r <- subset(warpbreaks, breaks >= 20 & ...
## Loading required package: RSQLite ## Loading required package: DBI 注意到,在加载 sqldf 包时,其他相关的几个包也会被自动载入。因为 sqldf 包的 实现依赖于这些包,它基本上就是在 R 和 SQLite 之间传输数据和转换数据类型。 然后,读入前面使用的产品表格: product_info <- read_ _csv("data/product...
## Loading required package: gsubfn ## Loading required package: proto ## Loading required package: RSQLite ## Loading required package: DBI 注意到,在加载 sqldf 包时,其他相关的几个包也会被自动载入。因为 sqldf 包的 实现依赖于这些包,它基本上就是在 R 和 SQLite 之间传输数据和转换数据类型。
问(R)尝试加载SQLDF包时出错EN我在运行以下代码时遇到了一些问题:有时候 GitHub 网络莫名奇妙网不好,...
In this tutorial, we will learn how to compare two Data Frames using compare() function. To compare two R Data frames, there are many possible ways like using compare() function of compare package, or sqldf() function of sqldf package. In this article, we will use inbuilt function, compa...
stringr, and sqldf. You will not only learn about group-wise data manipulation, but also learn how to efficiently handle date, string, and factor variables along with different layouts of datasets using the reshape2 package. By the end of this book, you will have learned about text manipulat...
More information can be found from within R by installing and loading the sqldf package and then entering ?sqldf and ?read.csv.sql. A number of examples are on this page and more examples are accessible from within R in the examples section of the ?sqldf help page. As seen from this ex...