■ 正确代码 Tomcat context.xml中追加currentFunctionPath。 <Resource name="jdbc/testDS" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" driverClassName="com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver" url="jdbc:db2://;currentFunctionPath=QUOTATION;" username="db2inst1" passwo...
不过,值得庆幸的是,已经有人帮咱们整理出一份关于 DB2 的错误代码大全啦,以后再遇到数据库报错,直接...
-440 NO AUTHORIZED routine-type BY THE NAME routine-name HAVING COMPATIBLE ARGUMENTS WAS FOUNDExplanation An attempt was made to invoke a routine, but Db2 could not resolve the invocation of a routine, including the argument list, to a specific routine definition. routine-type The type of ...
Oracle Database Gateway for DRDA - Version to Errors Sqlcode=-440 And Sqlstate=42884 With DRDA_CAPABILITY=TO_NUMBER/ON Using DG4DRDA
SQLCODE: -440 The SQLSTATE value indicates that no routine was found with the specified name and compatible arguments. Note This problem can also occur when you use any of the DB2 providers that are included with Microso...
sqlcode sqlstate 说明 000 00000 SQL语句成功完成 01xxx SQL语句成功完成,但是有警告 +012 01545 未限定的列名被解释为一个有相互关系的引用 +098 01568 动态SQL语句用分号结束 +100 02000 没有找到满足SQL语句的行 +110 01561 用DATA CAPTURE定义的表的更新操作不能发送到原来的子系统 ...
-440 42884 存储过程或用户自定义函数的参数列表参数个数于预期的个数不匹配 -441 42601 与标量函数一起使用DISTINCT或ALL是不正确的用法 -443 42601 指定的外部函数返回错误的SQLSTATE -444 42724 与被称为存储过程或用户自定义函数有关的程序不能找到 ...
45、de -440sqlstate 42884word 资料explanation: number of arguments on call must match procedure. sql0441 sqlcode -441sqlstate 42601explanation: clause or keyword &1 not valid where specified. sql0442 sqlcode -442sqlstate 54023explanation: maximum # of parameters on call exceeded. sql0443 sqlcode...
SQL0440 SQLCODE -440 SQLSTATE 42884 SQL0440 SQLCODE -440 SQLSTATE 42884 Explanation: Number of arguments on CALL must match procedure. 说明:在调用参数的数量必须符合程序。 SQL0441 SQLCODE -441 SQLSTATE 42601 SQL0441 SQLCODE -441 SQLSTATE 42601 ...