简介: DB2 sqlcode:-117 sqlstate:42802 DB2 sqlcode:-117 sqlstate:42802 :待插入的数值的个数于被插入的行中的列数不相等文章标签: 关系型数据库 讓丄帝愛伱 +关注 1624文章 0 0 0 0 评论 登录后可评论相关文章 讓丄帝愛伱 | 关系型数据库 DB2报错:SQLCODE=-419, SQLSTATE=42911 DB2报错:...
+30100 01558 分布式协议错误被检测到,提供原来的SQLCODE和SQLSTATE -007 42601 SQL语句中由非法字符 -010 42603 字符串常量非正常终止;检查到有遗漏的引号标志 -029 42601 需要INTO语句 -060 42815 某特定数据类型的长度或者标量规范无效 -084 42612 不能执行SQL语句,因为该语句对动态SQL无效或者对OS/390的DB2无效...
SQL0117 SQLCODE -117 SQLSTATE 42802 Explanation: Statement inserts wrong number of values. SQL0118 SQLCODE -118 SQLSTATE 42902 Explanation: Table &1 in &2 also specified in a FROM clause. SQL0119 SQL 9、CODE -119 SQLSTATE 42803 Explanation: Column &1 in HAVING clause not in GROUP BY. ...
Correct the statement to specify one and only one value for each of the specified object columns. SQLSTATE 42802Parent topic: Error (−) SQL codes
+30100 | 01558 | 分布式协议错误被检测到,提供原来的SQLCODE和SQLSTATE -007 | 42601 | SQL语句中由非法字符 -010 | 42603 | 字符串常量非正常终止;检查到有遗漏的引号标志 -029 | 42601 | 需要INTO语句 -060 | 42815 | 某特定数据类型的长度或者标量规范无效 ...
:Argumentoffunction1isanotherfunction. SQL0113SQLCODE-113SQLSTATE28000,2E000,42602 Explanation:Name1notallowed. SQL0114SQLCODE-114SQLSTATE42961 Explanation:Relationaldatabase1notthesameascurrentserver2. SQL0115SQLCODE-115SQLSTATE42601 Explanation:Comparisonoperator1notvalid. SQL0117SQLCODE-117SQLSTATE...
sqlcode sqlstate 说明 000 00000 SQL语句成功完成 01xxx SQL语句成功完成,但是有警告 +012 01545 未限定的列名被解释为一个有相互关系的引用 +098 01568 动态SQL语句用分号结束 +100 02000 没有找到满足SQL语句的行 +110 01561 用DATA CAPTURE定义的表的更新操作不能发送到原来的子系统 ...
SQLSTATE 42802 https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSEPEK_11.0.0/codes/src/tpc/n117.html ———– If you would like to Earn Free Stocks, Credit card Points and Bank account Bonuses, Please visitMy Finance Blog ———– You may also like to look at:...
to close the offending open connection before attempting to connect again. sqlcode: -1391 sqlstate...
to close the offending open connection before attempting to connect again. sqlcode: -1391 sqlstate...