Connect to the Database Engine by specifying the TCP\IP port number:Másolás sqlcmd -S ComputerA,1433 sqlcmd -S ComputerA,1691 sqlcmd -S,1433 sqlcmd -S,1691 Connect using tcp/ipConnect using the following general syntax: Másolás sqlcmd -S tcp:<computer name>...
使用sqlcmd 連接至 Database Engine 發行項 2017/06/13 1 位參與者 SQL Server 支援使用 TCP/IP 網路通訊協定 (預設值) 和具名管道通訊協定,來進行用戶端通訊。 如果用戶端是連接到相同電腦上的資料庫引擎執行個體,也可以使用共用記憶體通訊協定。 選取通訊協定有三種常見的方法。 sqlcmd ...
Connect to the Database Engine by specifying the TCP\IP port number:Copy sqlcmd -S ComputerA,1433 sqlcmd -S ComputerA,1691 sqlcmd -S,1433 sqlcmd -S,1691 To connect using TCP/IPConnect using the following general syntax: Copy sqlcmd -S tcp:<computer name>,<...
適用於:Microsoft Fabric 中的 SQL ServerAzure SQL 資料庫Azure SQL 受控執行個體Azure Synapse Analytics AnalyticsPlatform System (PDW)SQL Database 本文說明如何使用 sqlcmd 公用程式連線到 SQL Server 資料庫引擎。 概觀 SQL Server 支援使用 TCP/IP 網路通訊協定 (預設值) 和具名管道通訊協定,來進行用戶端通訊...
The following command opens Azure Data Studio, and connects automatically to the database that was restored during the create process: Windows Command Prompt sqlcmd open ads The following command lists connection strings to be used to connect to the instance that was created: ...
:Connect 現在具有選擇性 -G 參數,可選取其中一個 Azure SQL Database 的驗證方法 - SqlAuthentication、ActiveDirectoryDefault、ActiveDirectoryIntegrated、ActiveDirectoryServicePrincipal、ActiveDirectoryManagedIdentity、ActiveDirectoryPassword。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Microsoft Entra 驗證。 如果未提供 -G,則會使用整合...
The following command opens Azure Data Studio, and connects automatically to the database that was restored during the create process: Windows Command Prompt sqlcmd open ads The following command lists connection strings to be used to connect to the instance that was created: ...
:connect server_name[\instance_name] [-t timeout] [-U username [-P password] ] 连接到 SQL Server 实例并关闭当前连接。 :on error [ exit | ignore ] 设置在脚本或批处理执行过程中发生错误时要执行的操作。 使用exit 选项时,sqlcmd退出,并显示相应的错误值。
<p>-G 参数在后端生成以下连接字符串:</p><p>复制</p><preclass="has"name="code"onclick="hljs.signin(event)"><codeclass="hljs java">SERVER =;UID= bob<spanclass="hljs-meta">@contoso</span>.com;PWD=MyAADPassword;AUTHENTICATION = Active...
The following example shows how to use the sqlcmd utility to connect to an instance of SQL Server Express, named SqlExpress, on a server named SqlServer1: Copy Sqlcmd -S SqlServer1\SqlExpress After you are connected, you can issue other commands to manage the instance. For example, the...