initial_file_name 参数必须包含有效条目或者必须包含默认 | NULL 值。 audit_file_offset 指定一个已知位置,该位置包含为 initial_file_name 指定的文件。使用此参数时,函数将从缓冲区中紧跟指定偏移量之后的第一个记录开始读取。 注意 audit_file_offset 参数必须包含有效条目或者必须包含默认 | NULL 值。
The initial_file_name argument must contain valid entries or must contain either the default | NULL value. audit_file_offset Specifies a known location with the file specified for the initial_file_name. When this argument is used the function will start reading at the first record of the Buff...
SQL Server Azure SQL 数据库 此示例从名为 \\serverName\Audit\HIPAA_AUDIT.sqlaudit 的文件读取。 SQL 复制 SELECT * FROM sys.fn_get_audit_file( '\\serverName\Audit\HIPAA_AUDIT.sqlaudit', DEFAULT, DEFAULT ); GO 有关如何创建审核的完整示例,请参阅 SQL Server...
fn_get_audit_file(file_pattern, { default |initial_file_name|NULL} , { default |audit_record_offset|NULL} ) Arguments file_pattern Specifies the directory or path and file name for the audit file set to be read. Type isnvarchar(260). ...
fn_get_audit_file ( file_pattern, { default | initial_file_name | NULL }, { default | audit_record_offset | NULL } ) Arguments file_pattern Specifies the directory or path and file name for the audit file set to be read. Type is nvarchar(260). This argument must include both a pa...
針對Azure SQL 資料庫,請考慮改用sys.fn_get_audit_file_v2。sys.fn_get_audit_file_v2引進檔案和記錄層級的時間型篩選,可提供顯著的效能改善,特別是針對以特定時間範圍為目標的查詢。 Transact-SQL 語法慣例 語法 syntaxsql複製 fn_get_audit_file(file_pattern, { default ...
对于Azure SQL 数据库,请考虑改用sys.fn_get_audit_file_v2。sys.fn_get_audit_file_v2在文件和记录级别引入基于时间的筛选,提供显著的性能改进,尤其是针对特定时间范围的查询。 Transact-SQL 语法约定 语法 syntaxsql复制 fn_get_audit_file(file_pattern, { default |initial_file_name|NULL} , { default ...
ORA-09817: Write to audit file failed.--这种错误基本是磁盘空间满了 释放一些磁盘空间再试试。
Even when the Database Engine is writing to a file, other Windows users can read the audit file if they have permission. The Database Engine doesn't take an exclusive lock that prevents read operations. Because the Database Engine can access the file, SQL Server logins that have CONTROL SE...
Here we see 2 events - the audit starting and a SQL Login being created. If we had only looked at just the output of sys.fn_get_audit_file we'd only we the first 4 columns. But by joining with the other tables we see this is a server audit sessions that's being...