不能控制insert的字段名,并且insert没有返回值(?) 这里利用了分号切割sql语句,不能通过;闭合sql语句的方式构造RCE 这里阅读文档, postgresql允许在insert或者update后选择一个或多个字段返回, 所以在这里就有可控字段名了, 使用格式insert into xx(aa,bb) values('cc','dd') returning ee as ff; 最后就是构造...
but evidence from animal and human studies has linked some to weight gain.One promising alternative is found in the fruit of Synsepalum dulcificum (奇迹果),a plant native to West Africa.These so-called miracle berries don't taste sugary themselves,but if you try something...
At that time,Claude was taller than me.He was also better at basketball.I fell behind him fast.I was not willing to lose.So I drove the ball hard to the basket,but missed it!The ball bounced off the rim(被篮筐弹开) and I jumped up to catch it.Just as I...