PL/SQL WHILE loop examples Let’s take some examples of using the WHILE loop statement to see how it works. 1) Simple PL/SQL WHILE loop example The following example illustrates how to use the WHILE loop statement: DECLARE n_counter NUMBER := 1; BEGIN WHILE n_counter <= 5 LOOP DBMS_...
SQL While 循环 语法: WHILEconditionBEGIN{...statements...}END 例子: DECLARE@CounterINTSET@Counter=1WHILE(@Counter<=10)BEGINPRINT'The counter value is ='+CONVERT(VARCHAR,@Counter)SET@Counter=@Counter+1END 测试结果如下: 参考网址:
I am not sure about DO-WHILE IN MS SQL Server 2008 but you can change your WHILE loop logic, so as to USE like DO-WHILE loop. Examples are taken from here: Example of ...
Examples: Azure Synapse Analytics and Analytics Platform System (PDW)C: WHILE loopIn the following example, if the average list price of a product is less than $300, the WHILE loop doubles the prices and then selects the maximum price. If the maximum price is less than or equal to $500...
Examples Example for SQL Server Imagine a table where a value is expected when another antecedent process is completed: SQL WHILE (1=1)BEGINIFEXISTS(SELECT*FROM##MyTempTableWHEREEventCode ='Done')BEGINBREAK;-- 'Done' row has finally been inserted and detected, so end this loop.ENDPRINT N'...
(ffConnection);while(!(fsFlatFile.EndOfStream)) { Console.WriteLine (fsFlatFile.ReadLine()); lineCount +=1;// If line count > expected number of non-data rows,// flat file contains data (default value).if(lineCount > nonDataRows) {break; }// If...
DECLARE @loop INT; DECLARE @AccountDescription VARCHAR(50); DECLARE @AccountKey INT; DECLARE @AccountType VARCHAR(50); DECLARE @AccountCode INT; SELECT @loop = 0 BEGIN TRANSACTION WHILE (@loop < 300000) BEGIN SELECT @AccountKey = CAST(RAND() * 10000000 AS INT); SELECT @AccountDescription...
Recursive references on the right-hand side of anEXCEPTclause create an infinite loop. Example C in theExamplessection demonstrates this behavior.Recursive references in anEXCEPTclause generate an error in compliance with the ANSI SQL standard. ...
变量枚举器的 Foreach 枚举通过变量传递给它的各列表项,并对每一项执行相同的任务。 您可以在脚本任务中使用自定义代码来填充用于此目的的列表。 有关枚举器的详细信息,请参阅 Foreach 循环容器。备注 如果希望创建可更方便地重用于多个包的任务,请考虑以此脚本任务...
After reading this article you will understand the basics of using the WHILE statement to write a loop within a stored procedure. All the examples for this lesson are based on Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and the sample databases AdventureWorks and WideWorldImporters. Start learning SQL ...