WHERE SALARY LIKE '%200%' 查找在任何位置具有 200 的任何值。 WHERE SALARY LIKE '_00%' 查找在第二个和第三个位置具有 00 的任何值。 WHERE SALARY LIKE '2_%_%' 查找任何以 2 开头且长度至少为 3 个字符的值。 WHERE SALARY LIKE '%2' 查找任何以 2 结尾的值。 WHERE SALARY LIKE '_2%3' ...
WHERE type like "Azure%"// wildcard dependencies | where type startswith "Azure" // or dependencies | where type matches regex "^Azure.*"startswith matches regex 比较(布尔值)SELECT * FROM dependencies WHERE !(success)dependencies | where success == False逻辑运算符 ...
LIKE (Transact-SQL) Determines whether a specific character string matches a specified pattern. A pattern can include regular characters and wildcard characters. During pattern matching, regular characters must exactly match the characters specified in the character string. However, wildcard characters ca...
Wildcard characterDescriptionExample % Any string of zero or more characters. WHERE title LIKE '%computer%' finds all book titles with the word computer anywhere in the book title. _ (underscore) Any single character. WHERE au_fname LIKE '_ean' finds all four-letter first names that end ...
SELECT TOPLIMITSELECT TOP PERCENTSELECT TOP and add a WHERE Clause Examples Explained SQL MIN() and MAX() MIN()MAX() Examples Explained SQL COUNT, AVG() and SUM() COUNT()AVG()SUM() Examples Explained SQL LIKE LIKE - select all table rows starting with "a"LIKE - select all table rows...
5. WHERE子句中的连接顺序. ORACLE采用自下而上的顺序解析WHERE子句,根据这个原理,表之间的连接必须写在其它WHERE条件之前,那些可以过滤掉最大数量记录的条件必须写在WHERE子句的末尾. 例如:(低效,执行时间156.3秒) SELECT ... FROM EMP E WHERE SAL > 50000 AND JOB = 'MANAGER' AND 25 < (SELECT COUNT(*...
This SQL example demonstrates how to use an SQL wildcard to find all records where the name starts with a specific character. SELECTid,name,limitFROMcustomerWHEREnameLIKE'S%'; Result: Notice that the LIKE keyword is followed by ‘S%’. This means that the first character must be an “S...
Any wildcard, like%and_, can be used in combination with other wildcards. Example Return all customers that starts with "a" and are at least 3 characters in length: SELECT*FROMCustomers WHERECustomerNameLIKE'a__%'; Try it Yourself » ...
This wildcard character can be used as either a prefix or a suffix. For more information, see Pattern Matching in Search Conditions. Examples The following example returns all the first names of people in the Contact table of AdventureWorks that start with Dan. Menyalin USE AdventureWorks; GO...